Your Skin’s Top 3 ‘H.A.D Or H.A.D Not!’

Photo: Elle South Africa

The Skin has to weather so much from the environment from our daily activities, from toxins, humidity, pollution, and UV Rays to stress, this guy called Skin has to put up with all these and their negative effect and it is not fun!

If you live in Nigeria, then you know we are blessed with extreme weather, when it’s raining it’s pouring cats and dogs, and when it’s sunny, it’ll stop at nothing to scorch, do we even begin to ‘stress’ on the daily living stress?! Oops, all pun intended.

If you’re like us living in this part of the world, then you have probably had these three skin concerns, hyperpigmentation, acne and dry skin.

These three skin problems can be a nightmare if not handled with tact and efficiency.

First, let’s talk about hyperpigmentation, which is an increase in melanin. Melanin is the natural pigment that gives our Skin, hair & eyes their colour. A number of factors can trigger an increase in melanin production, but the main ones are sun exposure, hormonal influences, age, and skin injuries or inflammation.

Hyperpigmentation causes patches of the skin to become darker around the surrounding skin. But it’s time to wake your skin up from the bad dream with a Vitamin C serum for the face protected with an SPF 50 sunscreen while our picks for the body are a Satin Glow Scrub and a Brightening Body Lotion.

Acne has to be the meanest of all, toxins and stress are high contributors. Acne is a skin condition that causes spots and pimples, especially on the face, shoulders, back, neck, chest, and upper arms. It occurs when oil and dead skin block hair follicles, causing inflammation.

While we know that diet can play a huge role in contributing to or combating Acne, we’re hoping that you’re eating healthy and for the purpose of this article sticking to our beauty choices to help put a stop to acne which can come in the form of whiteheads, blackheads, pimples, or cysts. Our top choices are a Blemish Free Face Wash, Honey face mask, Refresh & Balance Toner, and a Nourish Face lotion.

Dry skin occurs when the skin is not producing enough natural oils it needs to maintain itself. This can happen for a few reasons; maybe eczema, frequent washing which strips off the oils present in the skin, while some people naturally have drier skin than others.

Dehydrated skin in contrast to dry skin may have similar symptoms, dehydrated skin is a function of insufficient consumption of water. While dehydration can be tackled by consuming lots of water daily, advisable is 2Ltrs, there are beauty finds proficient in reducing drastically dry skin, with body creams and hydrating gels, while for the face, a Honey Face Mask, Vitamin C Serum, and Nourish Face lotion does the trick, after all the steps never forget your sunscreen.

We know that as beauty enthusiasts, constantly scouring beauty shelves, it’s tempting to move from product to product, however, it’s advisable to dedicate a quality amount of time, 1-3 months of consistent use, on a skincare regimen, which is just as proficient to the results you will achieve with that product and ultimately scoring lasting results.


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