Yoruba Global Alliance decries invasion of Igboho’s house

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The Yoruba Global Alliance (YGA) has condemned the raid on the Soka premises of Mr. Sunday Adeyemo popularly known as Igbogho Oosha, by a combined team of soldiers and Directorate of State Services (DSS) operatives, describing the invasion as an irrational surrender to barbarism, lawlessness and the flagrant abuse of the fundamental human right of the activist.
A detachment of about 100 heavily armed men in army uniform and Directorate of State Services (DSS) operatives had stormed the premises, shot their way in, ransacked, damaged and kidnapped seven people, including Adeyemo’s wife, while two people were killed during the raid and the corpses taken away.

Also, the invaders were alleged to have damaged properties and vehicles running into several millions of naira.
In a statement, yesterday, its Director, Public Communications, Taju Tijani, the alliance said the whole nation is aware that Adeyemo chose his tactics due to Fulani herdsmen widespread lawlessness, farm invasion, maiming, raping, kidnapping and killing of Yoruba people in their own ancestral land. 

“All his agitations had been peaceful and his awareness rallies were conducted without violence, killing or bloodshed.

“The Yoruba Global Alliance unequivocally condemns this irrational surrender to barbarism, lawlessness and the flagrant abuse of the fundamental human right of Adeyemo.  

“It is becoming a norm under the Presidency of Muhammadu Buhari that gangsterism, knee jerk reaction, brutality, and suppression of the inalienable right of Nigerians to peaceful protest have become the standard yardstick to measure his administration,” the statement read.

The group said in place of respect for democratic mores, the president has developed a strange fascination for militarism, haughty disdain for other nationalities that form the federation and ongoing state criminality, which bothers on dictatorship.
“If this administration had pursued bandits, kidnappers and killer Fulani herdsmen with the same ferocious zeal of brigandage, the insecurity of lives and property that gave birth to Adeyemo, would have been averted.

“The Yoruba Global Alliance, therefore, issues a warning to the Federal Government and its over-excited killer squad to resist any attempt to arrest, harm, injure or kill Adeyemo in the exercise of his fundamental human right as a Nigerian,” the statement said.


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