World Press Freedom Day: NAS seeks release of detained journalists

Press Freedom

National Association of Seadogs (Pyrates Confraternity), Sahara Deck (Abuja City Centre), yesterday, reiterated its demand for unwavering respect for press freedom and the freedom of all citizens to express themselves without fear of reprisal.

It also called for the release of incarcerated journalists. It made the call in commemoration of May 3, designated by the United Nations General Assembly as International World Press Freedom Day to serve as a reminder of the paramount importance of the freedom of the press and the obligation of governments to uphold the right to freedom of expression, as enshrined in Article 19 of the 1948 Universal Declaration of Human Rights.

The Capoon, Sahara Deck of Abuja City Centre, Mr Olamide Oni, in a statement to commemorate the day, emphasised the importance of press freedom and the need for the Nigerian government to uphold the right to freedom of expression.

He expressed deep concern over the continued suppression of press freedom and the rights of citizens to freely express themselves in Nigeria, even after over two decades of democratic governance.

Oni said: “As we reflect on this crucial occasion, it is disheartening to acknowledge that despite over two decades of uninterrupted democratic governance, Nigeria continues to lag behind in press freedom and the protection of citizens’ rights to freely express themselves. Citizens are still subjected to arrest, harassment, and detention merely for exercising their right to free speech.

“Across various states in the country, individuals are frequently apprehended and incarcerated based on their Facebook posts or social media comments. The political establishment exhibits profound intolerance towards any form of criticism, while individuals who align with governmental interests enjoy impunity. Conversely, those perceived as critical of the government often face harassment or unjust detention.”

Oni called on the international community to intervene and urge the Nigerian government to release all individuals unjustly detained for exercising their right to free speech.

He also noted that they have written to the National Human Rights Commission and the United Nations Human Rights Council, seeking their intervention on behalf of Mr Mubarak Bala and others.

In Santiago, the capital of Chile, World Press Freedom Day celebration kicked off on May 2. It will last till May 4.

With the theme: “A Press for the Planet:  Journalism in the face of the Environmental Crisis,” the 31st edition is organised by the Government of Chile and the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation (UNESCO).

Celebrated every May 3, the 31st edition of World Press Freedom Day aims to highlight the significant role played by the press, journalism, access, and dissemination of information to ensure and secure a sustainable future that respects the rights of individuals and their diversity of voices, as well as gender equality.

World Press Freedom Day 2024 is an important opportunity for the international community to collectively reflect on these multidimensional challenges, the fundamental role of journalism, and the transformative power that reliable information has to protect the planet, achieve sustainable development, and consolidate democracies.


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