‘World needs more women in leadership’

Senior Management, TVC Communications, Gbolahan Olalemi; Chairperson Ecobank, Bola Adesola; CEO, TVC, Victoria Ajayi, her husband, Ade Ajayi and Former Chairman FirstBank & CEO The Chair Centre Group, Ibukun Awosika,. During the book presentation titled The Precision-Led Woman by Victoria Ajayi

The newly-appointed Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of Television Continental (TVC), Victoria Ajayi, has said that the world needs more women in leadership positions to ensure that decisions are made with diversity and inclusivity in mind.

Ajayi gave the advice during the official launch of her much-anticipated book titled, “The Precision-Led Woman – A Definitive Guide to Landing Leadership Positions,” in Lagos.

The eight-chapter book of 134 pages, which has already garnered great acclaim from notable executives, reflects Ajayi’s commitment to empowering women and positioning them for excellence in leadership roles with insightful content that delves into strategic thinking and more, The book is poised to make a significant impact in the professional landscape.

Ajayi, while reflecting on the three-fold inspiration behind the book, emphasised its relevance for women, corporations, and the society at large.

She said: “I wrote ‘The Precision-Led Woman’ to remind the world that women are competent and able to lead industries, formulate policies and champion causes.”

“For corporations, the world needs more women in leadership to bridge the gender inequality gap and ensure that decisions are made with diversity and inclusivity in mind.”

Ajayi passionately discussed the need to inspire young girls to dream big and aspire to leadership roles, saying that by lifting their heads high and embracing leadership, women can serve as powerful role models for the next generation, instilling in them the confidence to pursue their ambitions fearlessly.


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