‘Women who go into ministry should have mentors’

Dr. Victoria Michaels is committed to helping women to fulfill their inner potential and live purposeful lives. She is the Founder and the Lead Apostle of the Glorious Ministries Worldwide headquartered in Maryland, U.S.A. She is also a singer, songwriter, author and host of the Global Gathering Women’s Annual conference, a platform for women all over the world. In this interview with GERALDINE AKUTU, she talks about women in ministry, her new song and other issues.

Tell us about the things you do to empower women?
Empowering women is very important to me and our ministry has done that through the years. I am the Convener of Global Gathering Women’s Annual conference where women are empowered through summits, workshops and our outreach programme known as Impacting Lives One at a Time (ILOAT). We usually give out food, money, clothes, reading materials and many other items. We have also helped many women to start their own businesses. We have also given out scholarships to their children to go to school. I personally believe that when women are empowered spiritually, emotionally and financially, the homes will be better and the children will have a more quality life.

How do you stay passionate about the church, people and the programmes?
I am naturally a passionate person. Passion is given by the Holy Spirit. There are so many other things that God has gifted me which most people are not aware of. For instance, I have been a fashion designer for many years. Way before I became born again, I never knew that I will go into ministry in those years. I am passionate about my calling and the ministry. Ministry is about people; bringing hope of the kingdom of God to a dying world. So, I am passionate about people. I love to see people made whole. I love to see people discover the purpose for their living; I love to see people triumph over life’s challenges and troubles and all of that. My ministry involves travelling to nations of the world preaching the gospel and hosting programmes.

You just released two new songs. What inspired them?
Oh yes! I am excited about my new songs. They are called “You are God Alone” and “Never be the Same Again”. I sang them with one of my spiritual sons, the talented Jaming. They are new singles out of my album that is coming out this year. We’ve recorded a couple of the songs; we have up to nine songs in this upcoming album.

And how did you get into singing?
I have been singing for so many years but a lot of people are not aware of that aspect of my life. I started singing even before I became born again and before I got into ministry; as far back as when I was still in college. For many years, music was my passion. I had to take a break when I gave my life to Christ but still kept my attitude and lifestyle of worship, because I am a passionate worshipper.
You host a weekly broadcast called “The Conversation”. Tell us about it?
“The Conversation” is a live broadcast, where real life issues are discussed through the lense of the Bible. I usually have different guests join me where we tackle different topics affecting humanity and offer solutions. It’s a platform where we are very down to earth and transparent about topics that many people don’t want to talk about. It is in the Conversation that you will hear them.

What are the unique blessings you have experienced as a female gospel minister?
For me, it is a great honour being a woman and being in ministry and being a global mouthpiece of God. The blessing to me is being called; that’s my blessings. God could have called so many other people that are more qualified than me. I don’t see myself as qualified but I am humbled and grateful that I can stand on different platforms to let people know that there is no impossibility for them if only they can believe God. To be able to encourage people and tell them that, ‘whatever you are going through, you will be alright’ and see people emerge better makes me happy. Seeing people transformed through the gospel of Jesus Christ or people coming to me and saying, ‘you inspired me, I read your book and I got delivered from depression’, or ‘when you came to our country, I came to your crusade and saw a woman doing this work and it just inspires me to want to become better.’ So, that’s my blessing. My blessing is not about materialism.

Who are the women in ministry that have been inspiring you?
They are many and I don’t think I want to really mention names. When I started out, to be honest with you, I didn’t really have any particular person that I looked up to. My greatest mentor was and still is my precious Holy Spirit. And as a young person in ministry, I also looked up to my earthly father, my biological father, who God used to pray me into what I am doing now. But now that I have been in full time ministry for close to three decades, I have been privileged to come across many women that I honour. If I listen to you, and what you are preaching resonates within me, I will hear you. There are few people in my life that I’m close to who mentors me. I loved the late Pastor Bimbo Odukoya.

What is your advice to women who would like to go into ministry?
Ministry is not a child’s play; it’s tough and especially for women because there are still people out there who believe that women don’t have any business of being in ministry leadership. My advice is that you must make sure you truly heard from God with confirmation from other people of authority in your life that indeed, God is calling you into ministry. Ensure you clearly define the type of ministry you are called to do because the worst thing to do is to run around with an unclear vision. Do not try to copycat other people or act like someone else. Stay true to yourself and God. Stay connected to the Lord at all cost; have a lifestyle of studying the word of God, worship and prayer. Have mentors that can guide you and be focused on your assignment. Refuse to be distracted at all cost. Your yes to God will bring various attacks but do not be afraid knowing that God will take care of you and all that are yours. Lastly, make the Holy Spirit your partner and best friend.
