WIC to hold yearly convention in Atlanta

World Igbo Congress (WIC) said its yearly convention would be held between August 31 and September 3, 2023, in Atlanta, Georgia, United States of America.

According to a statement by Public Relations Officer of WIC, Basil Onwukwe, the Igbo Progressive Union (IPU) in Atlanta would host this year’s event.

The statement reads: “We are proud to welcome you to Atlanta, and one of the most vibrant metropolises in the United States.

“WIC is ready to point you to the right business network, as we strive to find solutions to existential and security threats to life and property in Nigeria. We are determined to own the responsibility of building the future of the Igbo nation.”

Onwukwe explained that the convention is an avenue to reset Igbo agenda, based on prevalent situation in the Nigerian equation.

He added: “Unless justice becomes a universal language in Nigeria and truth becomes incontrovertible, we have no other choice but to pursue a system that will guarantee and safeguard our generation.”



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