Why we rejected Dantalle as IPAC chairman, by ADP

Yusuf Dantalle.Photo:Liberal News

The opposition Action Democratic Party (ADP) has explained why it rejected the outcome of the chairmanship election of Inter Party Advisory Council (IPAC) in which Yusuf Dantalle of Allied Peoples Movement (APM) was declared winner.

ADP’s National Organising Secretary, Alex Maiyanga, at a press conference in Abuja, yesterday, explained that the party’s position was based on the realisation that the election was marred by rigging and irregularities.

ADP claimed that the electoral committee, which was supposed to be composed of three members, was illegally reduced to only two members, who manipulated the entire process from start to finish.

It reiterated its commitment to uphold democratic values, transparency, and the rule of law, adding that it could not tolerate electoral fraud or manipulation of democratic processes.

On why Yabagi Sani, who sought re-election for IPAC chairmanship seat, approached the court to seek redress, the party claimed that eligible contestants were unjustly disqualified, and that the entire process was fraught with suspicious and undemocratic actions.

It noted: “Political parties are the building blocks of our democracy, and we must lead by example in practising clean and acceptable election processes.

“IPAC should serve as a model for all political parties, fostering an enduring democratic culture and good governance in Nigeria.
Free and fair elections are essential for the development of our country. So, we cannot stand idly by and allow such electoral fraud to undermine the integrity of our democracy.”

According to him, the motion ex parte, considering these findings, ADP, represented by Sani, approached the Federal High Court, Abuja, seeking to halt the inauguration of Dantalle as IPAC National Chairman.

He added: “On December 29, 2023, our application was granted by Justice O. A. Musa. The court, in its motion ex parte, ordered IPAC not to inaugurate anyone declared as the winner of the December 18, 2023 election.

“It also directed IPAC to maintain the status quo, allowing the Sani-led executive committee to continue piloting the affairs of the council until the hearing and determination of the motion on notice.”


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