Why media needs Ombudsman, by NUJ President

President, Nigeria Union of Journalists’, Chris Isiguzo PHOTO:Twitter

President of the Nigeria Union of Journalists (NUJ), Christopher Isiguzo, has said the newly inaugurated National Media Complaints Commission (NMCC) will build a stronger media profession that would work for Nigerian people.

Isiguzo spoke with the News Agency of Nigeria (NAN), yesterday, in Lagos, during the inauguration of the NMCC by the Nigerian Press Organisation (NPO), comprising stakeholders in the media industry.

According to him, the Ombudsman is the stakeholders’ own way of responding to the persistent efforts by the National Assembly to come up with some forms of regulation for the media industry.

“We felt we have capacity as the stakeholders in the industry to regulate ourselves. What we have done is a co-regulation because it is not just the media professionals that are on the board; we have Nigerian Bar Association (NBA), Civil Society Organisations (CSOs) and the Chairman, House of Representatives Committee on Information.

“Everybody has been brought on board to ensure that we look at the media and have an industry that works for the Nigerian people. This will bring confidence and trust to the media. It will also engender high level of professionalism and help us build a stronger media profession in Nigeria,” the NUJ boss said.


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