Why Gani Adams, Igboho must work together, by group

The Yoruba Concerned Group (YCG), has warned Yoruba groups and loyalists of the Aare Ona Kakanfo of Yoruba land, Iba Gani Adams, and that of the Yoruba nation activist, Sunday Adeyemo Igboho, not to pit the duo against each other.

The group also stated that the Aare Ona Kakanfo of Yorubaland had contributed a lot and still contributing to the unity and  progress of Yoruba race, while Sunday Igboho is also doing his bit.
The YCG in a statement by its Chairman, Mr. Oluseye Atanda, was reacting to the  statement by the Yoruba Self Determination Movement (YSDM), alleging that Iba Gani Adams, in the viral audio content, allegedly linked Igboho to the death of th e former Justice Minister, Chief Bola Ige.
YCG, while condemning the statement, reiterated the need for peace in Yoruba land, insisting that those thriving on the crisis resulting from the various social media onslaughts between loyalists of Gani Adams and Igboho should desist from setting Yorubaland ablaze. We are surprised that a group under the aegis of YSDM is trying to raise issue where there is none.”

“The much-celebrated audio by Iba Gani Adams was a personal conversation between him and one Nuru Banjo, and Iba Adams stated it twice that he had an “unconfirmed report” and he said it repeatedly in Yoruba language that he didn’t believe the report linking Sunday Igboho to the death of the late Bola Ige. So, what exactly does this group want to achieve from causing crisis  in Yoruba land?

“Issues surrounding the audio had generated a lot of social media attacks between loyalists of Iba Gani Adams and Igboho and the issue had sharply broken the ranks of the Yoruba security architectures.

 “But the intervention of prominent Yoruba Obas and stakeholders had saved the situation. Those involved have chosen the path of peace and not war. So, the statement credited to YSDM was done in bad faith and could endanger the ongoing peaceful interventions by Yoruba elders.
“Therefore, we want to state it categorically that this is not the time for war, We must commit ourselves to peace ,especially, at this time when we should be all rally round the duo to fight the enemies
“Now that both sides have been told to sheathe their swords and give peace a chance, we advise all those that are profiting from the issue  to  steer clear of anything that  could cause crisis in Yoruba land”, the YCG boss stated 


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