While men slept – Part 4


Text: Judges 16:19-21
The scripture above tells us that when men are asleep, something happens. If Samson had gotten a revelation that he was about to be deprived of his fellowship with God, he probably would have been more careful. So, one of the signs of spiritual sleep is lack of divine revelation. This is when you can’t perceive things around you. Oftentimes, God speaks to man but we don’t pay attention. Divine revelation is when God tells man what is or about to happen. And it can be vocal, visual or written. Man is not just physical, but spirit and so, God communicates to man in the spirit. He desires fellowship with man, like He did with Adam at Eden. When you discover your communication link with God is broken, it is a sign that you are spiritually asleep and the enemy is doing overtime in your life. Before Samson was attacked, his spiritual antenna was cut off. In Deut 29:29, we see that God desires to show men secret things. There are 4 sets of people in respect to divine revelation. The first are those who don’t dream at all. I refer to them as spiritual bats, as their antennae have been cut off. The destiny of such persons has been vandalised. I preached a related sermon sometime ago and a lady came to me after the service, saying that for about 3 years, she had not had any dream. I gave her some prayer points to pray for about 3 days, and on the first night, she had a dream she remembered vividly. A woman gave her blood-stained meat to eat, claiming it is kingdom food. She said she rejected it and the lady scolded her, saying this is what she had been eating these past 3 years. When she woke up, she was troubled and ran down to see me. She was the MD of a big restaurant in town, and one of her workers who was possessed of witchcraft spirit had initiated her all this, while unknown to her. I pray for you, if your spiritual antenna has been cut off, it shall be restored to you in Jesus name.

The second set of people is those who dream but don’t remember their dreams. It could be open or close vision and when they wake up, they know that something happened, but can’t remember or place anything right. For such, the devil has tampered with their revelation memory. He allows them to dream but deletes it. They suddenly remember after the thing has happened. God reveals things to us, so we can do something about it. Again, we have people who get a revelation, but misunderstand it and so do nothing about it. A lady had a dream that her hair was cut off and a few weeks later, her husband died in a motor accident. She heard me preaching a sermon like this and she cried to me, but it was too late, her husband had died in ignorance. Also, a young man was in a trance and saw his fiancé in a blood stained wedding gown. He misunderstood that she was living in sin and accused her of fornication. On their wedding day, they were involved in a road accident and she died. May God help our understanding and destroys all ignorance in us in Jesus name. The fourth set of persons are those who get revelation, understand it and rise up to pray and do something about it.
Rev. John Okene, Divine Touch Int’l Ministries, Warri, Delta State.
Prayerline: +2348135952623



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