Which Comes First: Love or submission? 

Some men stop loving their wives because they are not submissive. Also, some women stop submitting to their husbands because they are not responsible. “But what is the ideal Bible standard?” 

The scripture makes it very clear that Christ loved the church before she repented and submitted. The Church (the body of born again believers all over the world) is Christ’s wife. The church does not have to be saved, before she could keep the commandments. Romans 5:8 tells us that: “But God commended His love toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us.” 

Husbands have to love their wives unconditionally. It is love that women submit to. We submit to God’s love not His commandments. As we submit to His love, then we want to keep His commandments. His love inspires us to keep His commandments. 

It is love that makes a woman to submit. When a man proposes marriage to a woman, the woman submits because of love and not commandment. When your wife stops submitting to you, check your love life and raise your love thermometer. At that level, you would see that she will begin to submit. 

If the man has lost his job or has his income reduced, which leaves the wife to shoulder the responsibilities of the family up keep for that period, the man should humble himself and supply more love to her.

However, if the man is unwilling to get a job and leaves all his duties to the wife, then treat him as an unbeliever. Be patient, pray for him and consider that you are now married to an unbeliever who has to be won back to Christ’s way. Love you.


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