When you know about sex more than your wife

Charles Ighele

DO you know what? God wants couples to have a very healthy sex life. That is why He created in the body of the man and the woman those body parts that can bring about sexual excitement and memories. 1 Cor. 7:3 says, “the husband should fulfill his wife’s sexual needs and the wife should fulfill the husband’s sexual needs.” Verse 4 goes on to say, “the wife gives authority over her body to her husband and the husband gives authority over his body to his wife.” Then verse 5 pushes the point further by saying, “do not deprive each other of sexual relations unless you both agree to refrain from sexual intimacy for a limited time so you can give yourselves more completely to prayer. Afterward you should come together again….” I also like the way the last part of verse 9 puts it, “it is better to marry than to burn with lust.”
All these quotations are from the New Living Translation Bible.

With my understanding of these scriptures, I can confidently say that if a man knows more about sex than his wife, he should by all means make sure that he brings his wife to his level of knowledge and practice. When a man knows about sex more than his wife and he teaches his wife how to be a good sex partner, the man is simply fulfilling the first part of 1Cor. 7:3 that says, “the husband should fulfill his wife’s sexual needs.” If God talked about sex in the Bible, then we can also talk about it in a newspaper.

Something a man should never do is to be angry with his wife, criticise his wife and to complain about how his wife is not satisfying him and making him happy sexually. A man should not sulk or begin to replay some sexual memories he might have had before he got married. A man should for no reason compare his wife’s sexual knowledge and performance with that of any female he had relationship with before marriage. Men who do so end up killing their marriages.

A wise man should not also go outside the marriage bed to seek sexual satisfaction because of his wife’s lack of sexual knowledge and co-operation.  What then should a wise man do? He should begin to play the role of a good teacher. Some of the good teachers we had in those days and some of those we have now, will go to any length to make sure that their pupils or students understand what they are teaching. When a husband decides to be a good sex teacher to his wife, he will be very patient with her until she improves to where husband and wife will come to a sexual equilibrium point.

What if one has a wife who is sexually conservative or too sexually “holy” and does not want to be taught? When a good teacher finds out that a pupil is not interested in learning or is behaving strange, the teacher will want to intelligently investigate one-on-one to find out why such a pupil is putting up such a behaviour. 

A good teacher will so much carry out his investigation in love that the student will have no option than to open up. Lovingly find out why your wife may not have too much interest in sex and begin to lovingly and patiently renew her mind with information that will eventually make her to look forward to a life of an exciting sexual journey. Many men have succeeded in doing so. You too can.  Love you!


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