West Africa’s troublesome trio

Flags of Economic Community of West African States Commission (ECOWAS) countries are displayed inside the Nigeria presidential villa, after the extraordinary session of Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) Heads of State and Government in Abuja, Nigeria on February 24, 2024. – ECOWAS announced on February 24, 2024 that they have lifted the sanctions on Mali, Niger and Burkina Faso. (Photo by Kola Sulaimon / AFP)

SIR: The decision by Mali, Burkina Faso and Niger Republic, three landlocked sub-Saharan African countries, to pull out of the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) has sparked fears of increased instability and insecurity in the region.

Recently emboldened by military take-overs, the three countries have accused ECOWAS of being a tool in the hands of neocolonialists. As if all along, beyond each of them, ECOWAS was not a foreign body, as is each of them to each other. It is a survival instinct to find emergency unity, to draw friends from anywhere, in desperation.

Three coups—Mali in 2021, Burkina Faso in 2022 and Niger in 2023—have defined this decision to leave ECOWAS. The regional bloc upped the intensity of its response with each coup, until it threatened to invade Niger Republic. ECOWAS is losing members because it has become a threat to the threats that democracy faces in West Africa. The tiny regional bloc has become a direct danger to the daredevils of West Africa’s democracy. What is a tragedy to ECOWAS is not the loss of the three countries. They were never superpowers in the bloc. ECOWAS has had to pull each of them by their bootstraps before. The tragedy is the coups, the blow to democracy and the fact that the coups and the decision to pull out of ECOWAS is the decision of a few disgruntled and potentially despotic soldiers.

Three decayed teeth have been pulled out of the mouth of ECOWAS, but the body cannot feel relief. Rather, it should feel regret at this retreat of democracy in West Africa and what it could mean for the contagion of coups. Economics may have informed the formation of the group, but democracy came to become its highest ideal. Because even from the beginning, it was clear that there was to be no prosperity without democracy.

Genuine efforts have been made to consolidate democracy in West Africa. Despots have mostly been rooted out, with democratic institutions finding some much-needed impetus. These gains now risk a complete erosion. In Mali, the junta cited insecurity as the reason for its coup. Insecurity was rinsed and repeated in Burkina Faso and to a lesser extent in Niger. Years and months later, insecurity has increased in the three countries.

West Africa has a history of might over right. Deluded soldiers in many countries have always backed themselves to dig their country out of dark holes. Experience, however, has shown that soldiers are not saviours. They have often left behind deeper, darker holes that only true democracy can fill. Military coups threaten democracy with corrosion and contagion. In some kind of torturous telepathy, success for coup plotters in one country usually means encouragement for would-be coup plotters in other countries.

There are many who hold that democracy is not suited to Africa. They also say that Africa will be better served exploring other forms of government that may get a tune out of its many complexities. Perhaps, to the coupists in Burkina Faso, Guinea and Mali, who have no doubt faced unbearable pressure from ECOWAS, especially since the Niger coup, it was poignant to announce the withdrawal just when the whole world was watching the best of African football in Côte d’Ivoire. By nature, coup plotters are alarmist attention seekers. One of their many flaws, however, is that they are always ill-suited to their purpose and are particularly adept at drawing attention to the wrong reasons.
Kene Obiezu, keneobiezu@gmail.com


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