‘We’ll mitigate potential risks associated with GMOs, others’

Director-General, National Biosafety Management Agency (NBMA), Dr Agnes Asagbra, has said the agency will mitigate potential risks associated with the deployment of biotechnologies, Genetically Modified Organisms (GMOs) and other relevant applications in the country.

Speaking, yesterday, at a Biosafety Risk Assessment/GMO workshop in Abuja, Asagbra explained that the agency was building partnership and knowledge exchange, as well as strengthening collective capacity where actions vibrate deeply with public health and environmental sustainability.
She said the training on risk assessment within the field of biosafety management was critical, adding: “We intend to delve into the complexities of threat, a fundamental aspect of our efforts to ensure the safety of human and animal health, as well as plant life.

“We have the unique opportunity to engage with experts Germany to share insights and cultivate a deeper understanding of the principles and methodologies that underpin effective risk assessment frameworks.”

The DG said the knowledge and skills gained during the meeting would not only enhance individual capacities, but also contribute to the broader mission of safeguarding public safety and environmental integrity within respective spheres of influence.”
On his part, Hermann Broll of Federal Institute for Risk Assessment in Germany, thanked the agency for the invitation to train 30 risk assessors in Nigeria, saying it would deepen their understanding, aimed at enhancing biosafety/GMOs  Hermann asserted that the learning would be in two ways from both countries.
“We learn from the participants and they learn from us,” he said, noting that he had been working on GMOs for the past 34 years on the risk of these products in Europe and others.
A director at the agency, Hauwa Ahmed, stressed that the rationale behind the training was to achieve its mandate, create awareness on their practices and emerging issues, tasking the participants to ask questions where necessary on risk management.


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