We mustn’t allow terrorists disrupt learning, says Tambuwal

Aminu Waziri Tambuwal

Sokoto State Governor, Aminu Tambuwal, has fingered Boko Haram terrorists and some bandits as responsible for the recent wave of kidnappings in the North, saying their purpose was to disrupt the smooth acquisition of education by students.

In a statement yesterday by the Special Adviser (Media and Publicity) to the Muhammad Bello, he urged stakeholders not to allow the terrorists achieve their aim.

Tambuwal said this is the reason his government shut boarding schools across the state and transferred the students to other schools, to ensure they continued with their studies.

“Government will take all measures like adopting the morning and afternoon shifts system, virtual learning and other ways of teaching the children in their domain in furtherance of its objectives,” he added.

According to the governor, who met with the principal of all secondary schools in the state at the auditorium of Sultan Muhammad Maccido Institute of Qur’an and General Studies, Sokoto, the state government will work closely with all stakeholders to ensure that the avowed intention of the groups did not affect the pursuit and acquisition of education in the state.

“Learning is not going to be disrupted,” the governor affirmed while appealing to every citizen of the state to continue “to collaborate with the security agencies by providing useful information on the activities of the bandits and their informants.”

He said the state government’s decision to close all boarding schools in the state, except those within the state capital, was a proactive measure to forestall any possible attack or kidnap of students by the bandits, considering what recently happened in Niger and Zamfara states.


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