Waste Basket: NURTW to set up taskforce

NURTWThe Lagos State Chapter of the National Union of Road Transport Workers (NURTW) says it will set up a taskforce to monitor compliance on the provision of waste baskets in commercial vehicles.

The chapter’s Chairman, Alhaji Tajudeen Agbede, made the disclosure in interview with the News Agency of Nigeria (NAN) on Sunday in Lagos.

Agbede said the move was aimed at supporting the state government’s environmental sanitation policies.

“We want to reiterate our call on drivers of BRT buses and other commercial vehicles, especially buses to provide waste baskets for commuters to dispose of their wastes.

“Our intention is to support the Lagos State Government’s effort at maintaining a clean and healthy environment.

“I urge drivers to buy the waste bins to reduce littering and we are going to set up a taskforce soon to monitor compliance,’’ he said.

The NURTW boss urged transport operators to ensure that refuse was properly disposed at designated places when the bins were full.

According to him, the waste baskets should be strategically positioned near the doors of buses for commuters to dump refuse.

Agbede, who urged his members at motor parks to maintain toilet facilities, also advised passengers to use them to reduce environmental pollution.

On noise pollution at motor parks, the union leader urged members to use bells to call on passengers rather than loud speakers.

According to him, planks can also be used as sign posts to show directions and routes to reduce noise at motor parks.

