Walking in the light – Part 16


Key Verse: 1John 1:5: “This then is the message which we have heard of him, and declare unto you, that God is light, and in Him is no darkness at all,” (KJV).

Darkness is descriptions for hiding things that we know are wrong. The cover that we provide for our secret sins or our hidden motives is a source of darkness. We cannot have fellowship with God, Who is light, and yet walk in darkness. Any attempt to circumvent the truth is a work of darkness. When the Word of God makes something plain, which requires a clear course of action, our sinful nature attempts to obscure the path by considering human reasoning and emotions to subvert the truth of the word of God. The motives for our actions should serve the good of another, and must not be deceitful and self-serving.

Although, Christ has already justified believers, they still need daily cleansing. Walking in the light keeps the cleansing process in place. 1John 1:7 says the blood of Jesus Christ cleanses us from all sin. Paul said in 1 Corinthians 15 that my old self has been crucified with Christ and I die every day. You must die to self -will that Christ might live through you. You must seek God’s will continually. You must die to the world and let Christ live through you. Christ lives through us to the extent we allow Him to take control of our lives. Our lifestyles are like books before those observing us; eye witnesses. They are reading us through and through, which means we must live for Christ day and night. Let others see Jesus in you by living a clean and pure life within and without.

The light reveals those areas of our lives that need continual cleansing. The confessing and cleansing process humbles us and regularly reminds us of the need to forgive others as we are being forgiven. The person who cannot forgive another does not fully see his own sin because he is not walking in the light. Matthew 6:12 says: “Forgive us our sins, as we have forgiven those who sin against us.” Confess every known sin in your life and God is faithful and just to forgive your sins (1 John 1:9).

God’s promised response to confession is to forgive our sins. If we confess our sins, as Christ Has promised to forgive our sins, then by faith we must believe that our sins are forgiven. We should not let the Devil continually assault us in our failures, and fail to forgive ourselves for what we have done. Let us not doubt the work of Christ. If He has forgiven us, we should move forward in “newness of life,” (Romans 6:4).

We dare not accept guilt for sins that Christ has effectually removed and canceled from our account. By not forgiving ourselves after we have confessed our sin and have been forgiven by God, we are expressing doubt and unbelief in the finished work on the cross.

Walking in the light is living a life that is dead to flesh that is you are no more of yourself; ego is dead completely. It also means a life of faith in Christ totally. And also, it is a life that resembles Christ completely. In fact, the Greek word for crucified is “sistauroo”, which means, spiritually, that you have mortified the lust of the flesh and lust of the world by the Cross of Christ. Apostle Paul said he is crucified with Christ because he kept his body under and brought it into subjection, so, as not to be a castaway as a preacher (I Corinthians 9:27). To live a life that is dead to sin, you must be born again (John 3:3-5).

• Today’s nugget: You must be born again. Prayer: Lord give me power over the flesh. Prayerlines: 08033299824. E-mail: amadiabelukachi@gmail.com. Rev. (Dr.) Abel UkachiAmadi, General Superintendent, Assemblies of God Nigeria


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