Umueri traditional council condemns attempt to divide UGA leadership

…sets up committee to meet with PG Metchie for reconciliation

The Umueri Royal cabinet has condemned in strong terms, the attempt by a few executive members of the Umueri General Assembly (UGA) to cause division in the community and warned the troublemakers to stop their illegal activities or face dire consequences.

It would be recalled that some UGA executive members had paraded a document last week in which they claimed that a vote of no confidence was passed against the President General of UGA, Ambassador John Metchie and his deputy.

But in quick response, majority of UGA executive members passed a vote of confidence on Amb. Metchie and his deputy and declared the purported vote of no confidence as illegal, adding that the purveyors were jokers who had no mandate of the people.

In the same vein, many organisations, including Umueri elders, women, youth and others wrote several letters and petitions to the Anambra State Governor, Prof. Chukwuma Soludo, condemning the said troublemakers and reaffirming their support and solidarity with Dr. Metchie and his team while listing the various achievements recorded by Metchie barely one year and three months in office.

But rising from an emergency meeting on Sunday, the Umueri Royal Cabinet said it has waded into the matter and has taken some decisions in order to bring lasting peace to the community.

In a communiqué signed by Princess Prince Ngozi Okoye (Adaigbo), Secretary, Umueri Royal Cabinet, the Cabinet said the factional UGA executive acted illegally by parading a purported vote of no confidence without consultation with the Rotal Cabinet and Elders in Council.

It also frowned against media attacks on PG Metchie and Igwe Benneth Emeka and warned perpetrators to stop such activities with immediate effect, warning that there would be severe consequences, including legal action against any person that repeats such.

The Royal Cabinet also set up a four-man committee to met with PG Metchie with a view of finding lasting peace in the community.

The Communiqué said- We the Umueri Royal cabinet and indi Itchies have waded into this matter after a high level meeting held yesterday, Sunday July 16, 2023, and discussed and agreed as follows:
1. That the publication and vote of no confidence on the Umueri President General by Nine UGA executives without first consulting the cabinet and Ndi Itchies is condemned
2. That all the insults and defamations on the person of Igwe Okebo II and PG Metchie is an effrontery on Umueri as a whole and should stop immediately
3. All other write-ups in all WhatsApp platforms of Umueri including villages and print media should seize henceforth.
4. Additionally, Umueri has no autonomous status yet, any person or quarter is parading himself or themselves as Igwe of himself or theirselves is impersonating and should be charged as so and accordingly with immediate effect in the court of law.
5. Any person found, caught, or seen in contravention to the above shall be prosecuted without further warning.
6. Four subcommittee led by High Chief Egbema shall meet with PG Chief Johnny Metchie on Wednesday, 19th July, 2023 as a matter of urgency towards resolution of the crisis.
We assure everybody of a positive intervention in the matter.


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