Troops neutralise notorious kidnappers in Plateau, recover arms

Troops of Operation Safe Haven (OPSH) saddled with the responsibility of maintaining peace in Plateau and parts of Kaduna and Bauchi states have neutralised three notorious kidnappers in Plateau State and also recovered arms and ammunition.

[FILES] Nigerian Troops PHOTO: NAN

Military Information Officer of OPSH, Major Ishaku Takwa, in a statement he issued yesterday, said members of the neutralised syndicate were also believed to have participated in the Jos Prison jailbreak of November 28, 2021.
“Troops of Operation SAFE HAVEN, acting on credible intelligence, have burst and neutralised a notorious kidnap syndicate on the Plateau. The syndicate has been on the watch list of Operation SAFE HAVEN and is believed to have masterminded the recent kidnap incidences on the Plateau.
“The syndicate met its waterloo when troops of Operation SAFE HAVEN tracked them to Gyero general area where they plan and carry out their nefarious activities. The kidnappers on sighting the troops opened fire. Our troops responded with superior firepower, resulting in neutralisation of three notorious kidnappers. 
“Items recovered from the syndicate include one AK-47 Rifle, 2 AK-47 rifle magazines, 101 live rounds of 7. 62mm ammunition and one tricycle (Keke Napep). Other items recovered are one itel phone, one techno phone, two sharp knives and two military head warmers”, the statement read in part.

The statement further stated that the Commander of OPSH, Major General Ibrahim Ali, commended the resilience of the troops for another successful operation and warned kidnappers and perpetrators of evil to stay clear of Plateau State as he restated his determination to make the state unhabitable for all criminals to operate.
General Ali urged law-abiding citizens to cooperate with security agencies and promptly report any suspicious movement in their area. 


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