Troops kill five terrorists attempting to enter Nigeria from Cameroon border

ISWAP PHOTO: AFP/ Getty images

Nigerian Troops have killed five members of Boko Haram and Islamic State of West African Province (ISWAP) terrorists attempting to cross the Nigerian territory from the Cameroon border.

The troops are attached to Operation HADIN KAI in the North East.

This was disclosed by the newly appointed Director, of Defence Media Operations, Maj.-Gen. ES Buba at Defence Headquarters, Abuja.

Buba revealed that the five Boko Haram members were gunned down following an intelligence report that they laid ambush along Bula Yobe-Darel Jamel in Bama Local Government Area of Borno State.

He said no fewer than 10 terrorists were captured alive.

“Troops of Operation HADIN KAI in the Northeast zone of the country have continued to intensify operations against terrorists, including their logistics suppliers and collaborators.

“In pursuit of this, troops, on 22 June 2023, following an intelligence report on terrorists crossing from Cameroon to Nigeria, laid ambush along Bula Yobe-Darel Jamel in Bama Local Government Area of Borno State and made contact with the terrorists.

“Following a firefight, troops neutralized 5 Boko Haram Terrorists/Islamic State of West Africa Province terrorists and recovered 1 bag each of flour and detergent.”

Also, he revealed that 967 terrorists, 82 adult males, 354 adult females and 531 children surrendered to troops at different locations within the joint area of operations.


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