Troops kill Boko Haram chief, 31 others in Borno

Troops of Operation Hadin Kai (OPHK), in collaboration with Civilian Joint Task Force (CJTF), have neutralised a Boko Haram commander and 31 other terrorists in Konduga Council of Borno State.

The commander, Abu Iliya, was killed on Saturday when troops raided the terrorists’ hideout in the Kayamari-Habasha-Yuwe axis of Sambisa Forest.
A counter-insurgency expert in the Lake Chad region, Zagazola Makama, disclosed in Maiduguri, yesterday, that the troops achieved the feat following an intelligence-led patrol of the terrorist’s camps in three villages.

“The troops made contact with the terrorists in the course of a counter offensive patrol in Yuwe village,” he said, adding that this led to a heavy gun battle.

A military source in Maiduguri also said the troops successfully defeated the insurgents, while other insurgents fled in disarray upon encountering superior firepower.

The source said the fierce battle that lasted over an hour led to abandonment of the terrorists’ weapons and other property in the villages.
According to Makama, the troops also destroyed 50 bicycles recovered at the hideout.

Major General Ibrahim Ali, the newly appointed Theatre Commander of OPHK, vowed to sustain troops’ efforts towards ending the fight against the insurgents. He said all hands must be on deck to end terrorism, which has claimed many lives and property in the region.

While taking up his new office during a ceremony in Maiduguri, at the weekend, Ali had explained: “There is much to be done by troops in routing the remnants of Boko Haram and Islamic State West Africa Province (ISWAP) insurgents in the forest and region.”

He noted: “Our troops in the frontlines are better equipped than the terrorists, in restoring peace in the insurgency affected states in the region,” and thanked the Borno State government, security agencies and stakeholders for their support in the fight against insurgency.


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