Travelogue of China: Revealing China’s greatness, tourism potentials

Different people may have known China for different things but one common knowledge about the country is its huge population, which it has positively deployed in advancing its industrial and technological basis.

In recent times, the opening up of China and influx of people from across the world have revealed a major but salient aspect of the country and its people as favourable competitors in science, innovation and technology with Europe, America and other advanced nations of the world – a feat that was born out of resilient commitment to hard work, research and development.

Although domestic tourism thrives in China and constitutes one of the major drivers of revenue, the huge tourism potentials remains a treasure that will launch the country as a major tourism destination with its uncountable natural and historical sites and destinations spread across its over 10.45 million square kilometres’ landmark.

Interestingly, the visit of journalists from various parts of the world to the country and the subsequent journey to distinct communities during the Travelogue of China week held between March 20-24, exposed participants to the country’s breath-taking and exhilarating destinations in Jiangsu Province. The local and continental cuisines, the Tahir Lakes, the Wuxi Peninsular, creative arts, natural parks and gardens as well as the serenity provided by cherry blossom, all elevates China to a class of its own.

Journalists have been invited by the government of the People’s Republic of China through China International Press Communication Center for a media exchange programme, and Jiangsu was the first province visited outside of Beijing for the Travelogue of China week-long activities.

The visit was guided by the Network Communication Bureau of the Office of the Central Cyberspace Affairs Commission and jointly hosted by the China Public Diplomacy Association and Global Times Online and co-organized by the Office of the Wuxi Municipal Cyberspace Affairs Commission, Foreign Affairs Office of Wuxi Municipal People’s Government as well as Wuxi Cultural Tourism Development Group Co. Ltd.

Speaking at the official opening ceremony of Travelogues of China held at the Xincheng Hall of Hualuxe, Wuxi Taihu, the President, China Public Diplomacy Association, Wu Hailong, described Jiangsu as one of the fastest-growing, most dynamic and promising regions in China.

He positioned present day China as different from its past and held that understanding the essence of modern China entails exploring its historical landscapes.

“Understanding China before and after 1949, the shifts in pre and post 1978, and the transformations starting from 2012, allows us to discern the dynamism, development, progress and prosperity that define current-day China.”

He decried that though China has experienced rapid advancement marked by continuous change and innovations, certain countries were determined to impede its progress through strategies of decoupling, severing industrial chains and purportedly “de-risking” themselves from China’s influence.

He alleged that such people were willing to employ any means necessary to suppress and contain China’s progress, particularly in sectors where China is excelling and surpassing them, even resorting to outright theft.

According to him, the recent TikTok incident in the United States exposed the country’s predatory nature. To Hailong however, no attempt can hinder China’s development, which he insisted, was poised to maintain its upward trajectory at an accelerated pace.

“On your “Travelogue of China” journey, you will glimpse one aspect of China and Jiangsu. However, upon your return, you will encounter a transformed version, each more vibrant and beautiful than before. Therefore, it is essential to adopt a dynamic and forward-looking perspective when comprehending China. By observing its trends, potential, and the forces driving its development, you will not only grasp China’s current state but also gain insights into its future.”

He added that key to understanding China lies in knowing the fundamental role of the Communist Party of China and its socialist system.

“The remarkable achievements of China and its people today are the result of the leadership of the CPC and the advantages of China’s socialist system. Moreover, journalists exploring China should also seek to understand the lives of the Chinese people. The accomplishments we see today in China weren’t simply handed down from above, nor were they bestowed by any foreign entity.

Rather, they are the fruits of the relentless dedication and hard work of the Chinese people, guided by the CPC through successive generations.

“To fully understand China, one must also comprehend its relationship with the world. China’s future is intricately linked with that of the world; its development is inseparable from global progress; just as global development is bolstered by China’s advancement.

“China’s development offers the world opportunities, momentum, confidence and hope. China contributes a third of global growth and has long served as an engine propelling the world economy.”
Addressing African journalists, Hailong stressed that China has always shared a common future with Africa, fostering robust cooperation and escalating investments on the continent.

“For 15 consecutive years, China has stood as Africa’s top trading partner. The essence of China-Africa cooperation extends beyond economic gain; it aims to enhance Africa’s capacity for self-reliance, promote stability and prosperity, and secure Africa’s autonomy over its future.

“Recently, there has been international skepticism surrounding China’s economic trajectory and business environment. However, these critiques are baseless. Such narratives may stem from misunderstandings or underlying agendas. The recent “Two Sessions” in China provided journalists present with an opportunity to gauge the confidence of delegates and committee members in China’s economic prospects.

“The resilience, potential and promising future of China’s economy are evident. With burgeoning industries, successful green transitions and the swift formation of new quality productive forces, China’s vast market of 1.4 billion people is witnessing a surge in new demands and business models, significantly expanding domestic development and international cooperation.

“As China continues to open its doors even wider, detractors will find themselves corrected while those misjudging China’s ascent will miss out on invaluable opportunities.”

Also speaking, the Deputy Secretary General, Municipal Committee of the Communist Party of China (CPC) and Director, Policy Research Office of CPC, Wuxi Municipal Committee, Huang Weigong, emphasized the need to view China through the lens of dynamism and progress, and to observe such trends, potentials and forces that drive its development.

He noted that the exchange program aimed at promoting communication and collaboration between media outlets in China and abroad, enhance global understanding of China, Jiangsu and Wuxi as well as inject fresh impetus into the city’s international development.

“We are honored to have media representatives from more than 30 countries and major national media outlets in attendance. We sincerely hope that everyone will take the time to explore Wuxi, uncover the secrets behind our cultural and economic prosperity, experience the dynamic force of our new industries, share Wuxi’s stories, and spread our city’s energy.

“We are committed to delivering the utmost service for the “Travelogue of China” event in Jiangsu, Wuxi and ensuring a rewarding experience for all media participants. We also look forward to deepening our friendships through ongoing engagement.”

Weigong noted that the choice of Wuxi as the event’s location underscored the support and encouragement from the Office of the Central Cyberspace Affairs Commission and the Office of the Jiangsu Provincial Cyberspace Affairs Commission.

Extending his warm welcome to all attendees, he expressed deep appreciation for the continued support towards Wuxi’s economic and social progress.

Speaking about Wuxi District of Jiangsu – a city tagged, “China’s Happiest City” for four consecutive years, Weigong said: “Known as the jewel of Taihu Lake, a gem along the canal, and a cultural hotspot in the Yangtze River Delta, Wuxi is celebrated for its industrial strength, cultural richness, ecological beauty, and overall happiness.”

As the economic pride of the Province, Wuxi’s Gross Domestic Product was said to have increased by six per cent in 2023, recording nearly 1.55 trillion yuan, with its per capita GDP remaining at the forefront among major cities nationwide.

“We have consolidated our key industries, establishing six industrial clusters, each generating over 200 billion yuan. Additionally, we are advancing in emerging sectors such as artificial intelligence, synthetic biology and commercial rockets. Our goal is to maintain our position as the leading province in technological advancement for the eleventh consecutive year.

“Wuxi is committed to being open and welcoming to the world, actively participating in the high-quality Belt and Road cooperation, promoting the upgrade of Xigang Special Zone 2.0, and receiving recognition for our outstanding business environment, high satisfaction among foreign investors, our pilot initiatives in national cross-border trade facilitation, and our status as an international consumer center city.

“Our commitment to the well-being of our citizens remains steadfast. Wuxi has been honored as “China’s Happiest City” for four consecutive years, and we have undertaken significant cultural projects, including the construction of cultural and art centers, symphony concert halls and art galleries.

“We have also launched initiatives such as customized buses and integrated healthcare services, all of which contribute to the unique sense of happiness found in Wuxi.

“In recent years, Wuxi has prioritized international communication, hosting significant global events such as the China International Intelligent Communication Forum, the International Cartoon and Illustration Exhibition on a Community with a Shared Future for Mankind, and the Belt and Road Initiative Short Video Competition.

“The year 2024 marks the 75th anniversary of the founding of the People’s Republic of China and the 30th anniversary of our country’s full engagement with the international internet. Though mountains and seas may separate us, unity brings harmony.”

Also speaking, the General Manager, Global Times Online, Shan Chengbiao, reiterated the company’s commitment to bridge China and the rest of the world by taking responsibility of narrating

China’s compelling stories and disseminating the country’s voice far and wide.

Chengbiao stated that the gathering of media professionals from various nations and regions to discuss, listen to the authentic voices of China and report same, promotes a subtle and profound cross-cultural exchange that enhances the global understanding of China.

“Secondly, these gatherings underscore the crucial role of the media in promoting international exchanges. It is imperative that we continue to utilize the media’s potential to unveil the authentic face and achievements of China, and to convey the hospitality and enthusiasm of the Chinese people to the world.

“The Chinese civilization, known for its openness and inclusiveness since ancient time times, continues to thrive and rejuvenate through ongoing dialogue and mutual enlightenment with other civilizations.

“The “Travelogue of China” plays a significant role in promoting cultural exchanges between China and the world, fostering international friendships and enhancing media cooperation against the backdrop of globalization.

“We warmly invite media friends from all over the world to experience the diverse and dynamic aspects of China – to immerse in the cultural richness of this land, nurtured by Chinese civilization, to feel the pulse of everyday life in its bustling streets and alleys, and to appreciate the exquisite craftsmanship that underpins this great nation’s industrial strength.”

Adding: “This region is blessed with natural treasures such as the tranquil waters of Lake Tai and the majestic Zhongshan Mountain. This land is known for its fertility, beauty, long history, profound cultural depth and dynamic development, which continues to captivate many. It is not only revered by historical literary figures but also serves as a breeding ground for contemporary talent.”

“Today, Wuxi epitomizes the vibrant synergy between preserving its rich historical culture and fostering new quality productive forces. It is deeply committed to ecological sustainability, industrial transformation and the vigorous expansion of its high-tech industrial development zones, economic development parks and specialized industrial parks.

“You will explore how various regions leverage their geographical advantages to create economic marvels, engage with the ordinary creators of these Chinese wonders, and closely experience the intersection of history and modernity, the grace of culture, the continuity of heritage, and the unfolding development and transformation in Jiangsu. In this journey, you will uncover the stories that lie beneath”, Chengbiao assured.

Responding on behalf of participants was a journalist from Namibia, Uaueza Kanguatjivi. She commended the organizers for the opportunity to witness China first hand and expressed the optimism of participants to explore the province and Wuxi district.
She also called on colleagues to embrace ‘Travelogue of China’ with open attitude to learn and to share experiences.

The week-long experience indeed, exposed participants to a rewarding exchange interactions as they visited several places including the picturesque Yuantouzhu on Lake Tai, the ship cruise, tour of CCCC “Star” Ship, the rich history of traditional Chinese pottery at Qianshu Ancient Dragon Kiln, the thriving Xishan Electric Vehicle Industrial Park, the Changtai Yangtze River Bridge and the impressive display of China’s infrastructural capacity in Changzhou and Taixing.

Tour of China Communications Construction Company limited (CCC) not only brought participants to rich knowledge of the capacity and the activities of the company but created an avenue for the company to provide answers to some nagging issues bordering on their operations in Africa. At the end of the day, journalists were enriched with ample information to correct any negative narrative back home.


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