Traders disown group threatening protests over Ogbaru market election

Traders at the Ogbaru Relief Market in Ogbaru Council of Anambra State have disassociated themselves from the alleged threat of protest and the seven-day ultimatum given to Governor Willie Obiano over election in the market.

Some traders had alleged manipulation by leaders of the market and demanded the cancellation of the election held on January 25,2022 at the Achebe Stadium in Fegge, Onitsha South Council.

But rising from an emergency meeting of the line chairmen, secretaries and Board of Trustee (BoT) members yesterday, their chairman, Chinyelugo Maduka, said they condemn the purported treat and ultimatum given to the government to cancel the election.

He declared such threats as the height of irresponsibility and handiwork of the opposition, adding: “Investigation has also revealed that those behind the threats are not traders at the market.

He alleged that they were brought to the state by a politician in collaboration with a defeated All Progressives Congress (APC) candidate during the market elections.

“We appeal to the Governor Willie Obiano, Commissioner for Trade and Commerce, Uchenna Okafor and all stakeholders in Ogbaru Relief Market to disregard the treat,” Maduka said, describing the election as free, fair and credible.

They also alerted security agencies in the state and all traders in the market to be vigilant and report any suspicious movement in and around the market to the nearest police stations or market vigilante group for prompt attention.

Also speaking, President of the Ogbaru Relief Market, Ndubisi Ochiogu, who assured of the traders’ support and loyalty, pledged to sustain security in the market.

Ochiogu said his administration would not allow those he described “as criminals,” who burn the market every year to come back to power to cause mayhem and loot their wares and money.

He said his leadership expressed gratitude to the Anambra State government and cautioned that the market authority would not take kindly to any individual or group found wanting or bent on causing crisis in the market.


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