TOSSE conference to address 21st century schooling needs

Mrs.Yinka Ogunde
Mrs.Yinka Ogunde

School owners, managers and teachers seeking new ideas on how to run their schools and improve productivity have been advised to avail themselves of the opportunities that the seventh edition of the Total School Support Seminar/Exhibition (TOSSE) presents.

The exhibition, put in place by Edumark, a school branding firm, which will take place at the Ten Degrees Event Centre, Oregun, Lagos, will also provide a platform for schools to interact with suppliers of educational products, services and e-learning solutions for 21st century education.

The two-day event, which begins on Thursday, June 11, the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of Edumark, Mrs. Yinka Ogunde, said is free for participants, and would help them keep up with global best practices.

She said school managers and teachers would benefit from at least 20 seminar topics drawn from the theme of the event, which is, “Inspiring the Future.”

Resource persons lined up for the event include, the CEO of Global International College, Ms. Bolaji Osime; President, Association of Private Educators of Nigeria (APEN), Dr. Femi Ogunsanya; and Deputy Head, Greensprings School, Ms. Dolapo Fatoki.

Ogunde said school managers would benefit a lot from the programme, especially in the area of teaching, learning and supervision, considering their roles in the smooth running of schools. She said, “There must be continuous improvement of our teachers and all those who have the task of managing our educational system.

This must cut across both public and private sectors. This is what TOSSE represents – an education show for educators to see, learn and network.

The programme is open to both public and private school administrators and our message to them all is ‘never stop learning’.” E-Learning Manager, Chips, Bits and Bytes, one of the partnering firms, Mr. Oluwaseun Ogunfeitimi, described TOSSE as a platform that helps school owners find local solutions to their e-learning problems rather than going abroad.

“TOSSE is a one-stop event for all e-learning solutions in West Africa.  Being able to bring all solutions firms under the same umbrella is an achievement,” he added.

Topics slated for discussions includes Practical Guide for Successful Education Professionals; The Promise and Risks of Digital Teaching and Learning; Crafting Vision and Managing Change in your School; Proofing your School against Economic Distress and Using Social Media to Grow Your School Brand.

