Tiv Youths fault Suswam over attack on Tinubu administration

The Tiv Youth Council Worldwide has faulted the former governor of Benue State, Sen. Gabriel Suswam, over his scathing attack on the Bola Ahmed Tinubu-led administration.

The President of the council, Chief Michael Msuaan, stated in a statement in Abuja that Suswam lacks moral fortitude to criticize Tinubu’s administration going by his performance as the governor of Benue State.

“When has Suswam become an advocate of good governance when he was active in the leprosy years of the PDP that destroyed the fabric of this country,” the council queried.

The council urged Suswam to direct his anger to the members of NEC of his party who refused to endorse his bid for the chairmanship of the PDP.

The group asked Suswam, who was recently dragged to court by the EFCC for corruption to face his trial for abuse of public office and stop talking on issues he has no knowledge of.

Msuaan who served as Director, Youth Mobilization, North Central Zone the Tinubu/Shettima Presidential Campaign Council stated that President Tinubu is a skilled administrator who has so far demonstrated the will power to take difficult decisions for the growth and development of the country. Sooner or later naysayers like Suswam will be out of business.


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