This case must not be swept under the carpet’

Inspector-General of Police, Solomon Arase
Inspector-General of Police, Solomon Arase

Family of murdered retired Perm Sec demands justice, expresses worry over handling of the case by police

THE murder case of Mr. Daniel Adaji Akubo is already generating tension in Kogi State, as the family of the deceased are presently crying foul over the way and manner the Nigerian Police authorities, the political class and traditional institutions in the area are handling the case. They expressed fears that the matter could be swept under the carpet to their own detriment.

Daniel Akubo, 63, was brutally murdered in his country home in Aloma, Ofu Local Council of Kogi State on May 10, 2015. Until his death, he was a retired Permanent Secretary in the Ministry of Health, during the civilian government of Prince Abubakar Audu, former Governor of Kogi State.

The family is pleading with the Federal Government to help find the killers of their son and bring them to book.

Addressing newsmen in Abuja recently, the son of the deceased,, Mr. Ojonugwa Andrew Akubo, said the family was calling on the Inspector-General of the Police to expedite action in their investigations so that the culprits would be prosecuted without further delay.

“We are also calling on the political actors in the state to thread with caution so as not to sweep this case under the carpet, we are calling on the judiciary to rise up to its responsibility on this matter as soon as the case comes to the courts to ensure that justice prevails,” he stated.

According to Andrew, the family is seeking the attention of the media and all well-meaning Nigerians to call government to ensure that perpetrators of such dastardly acts, no matter how well placed in the society, are punished and brought to book to serve as deterrent to others stressing, ‘’this is the change we voted for and the change must be effected.’’

Narrating the circumstances leading to the death of Daniel Akubo to newsmen, cousin to the deceased, Akubo Junior said: ‘’On the 10th of May, 2015, one Mr. Achema Salifu invaded our late son’s family compound in Aloma, Ofu Local Council of Kogi State and initially attacked some family members and destroyed valuable properties for no just cause. Thereafter, Salifu proceeded to the private residence of late Daniel Adaji Akubo the same night and dragged him out from his bed, attacked him with all arsenals at his disposal to the point of death and Akubo immediately gave up the ghost.’’

‘’However, at the same time, Mr. Salifu Achema called one Chief Mohammed Ekele, the Ochachandu of Aloma, the traditional ruler of the community, informing him that Mr. Akubo was dead, before escaping from the compound immediately. The traditional ruler came without any delay and thereafter took the corpse from the health centre, where it was initially deposited, to Ayangba mortuary without any police report, claiming that as the Ochachadu of Aloma, he has the right to do so.”

According to Junior, the late Akubo was supposed to leave Aloma for Lokoja that evening before some people namely Shaibu Yakubu, Samuel Okpanachi and the Ochachadu prevailed on him to stay back to attend a meeting with the former governor, Prince Abubarkar Audu.

‘’While Mr. Akubo heeded their advice and waited, he also informed his friend Mr Bako Awulu of the notice for the meeting, with the former governor requesting his company. Unfortunately, the trio attended the meeting with the former governor without carrying the late Akubo along. It was while our son was still expecting to be called for the meeting that the assailant struck.”

“Our family has officially reported the matter to the Police in Aloma but the Ochachandu of Aloma intervened stating that the matter will be settled at the family level as he described the unfortunate incident as a family affair.”

Not contended with the intervention of the traditional ruler, the family went to the Divisional Police Headquarters in Ugwolawo in Ofu Local Council to make a formal complaint. Thereafter, the DPO transferred the case to the CID Police Command in Lokoja.

According to Junior, the CID Police Command in Lokoja immediately arrested and detained the Ochachandu of Aloma and asked him to produce Mr Achema, the principal suspect. The Ochachandu produced Achema, who was then detained.

However, because of the network of powerful individuals who were coming to the police to secure the release of Achema, the family decided to officially write to the IGP.

In a letter dated June 1, 2015, the family officially wrote to the office of the IGP appealing for the transfer of the case to the homicide section of Force Criminal Investigation Department (FCID) Abuja for proper investigation, with a view to ascertain that justice was done.

“Subsequently, in a letter dated June 3, 2015, the IGP directed the Deputy Inspector General of Police, Criminal Intelligence and Investigation Department of the Nigeria Police Force Area 10 to investigate and take over the case.”

“It is embarrassing to note that in line with the directives of the IGP, the prime suspect was actually brought to Abuja for investigation, only for him to return to Lokoja few weeks later.

Although Mr Achema is now in police custody in Lokoja, no further action has so far been taken against the culprit for justice to

