The XKART race series 2: From the eyes of an outsider

The 30th of March 2024 marked a thrilling chapter in the XKART race series, held amidst the vibrant Ondo auto rally event. Five dynamic race teams took to the track, each fuelled by determination, adrenaline, and the quest for victory, making it a standout event of the day.

Team X, victors of race one at the Work and Play Arena race track, showcased their prowess yet faced a new challenge at the Ilara-Mokin track. Led by the seasoned Diekola Alabi, Team X grappled with the unfamiliar course. Despite this, Alabi’s champion mindset prevailed, steering him to a triumphant finish and maintaining his lead in the series.

Not far behind was Raymond Charles, representing the Work and Play team and managed by his sibling Lolaine Raymond Isuekpe. Charles, who had narrowly escaped a fatal accident en route from Lagos the day prior, defied the odds to secure and maintain his second-place position, mirroring his performance from race 1in Osoba, Ogun State.

Team Fame emerged as the dark horse, introducing a fresh, young energy to the series. With drivers brimming with enthusiasm, Team Fame’s Richardson initially surged ahead, keeping pace with the first two at the front row and displaying remarkable speed and whiz. However, a tyre mishap caused a setback, dropping him six laps behind. Undeterred and helped by Engineer Thomas and race organiser Bukky Feyisitan, Richardson re-entered the race and pushed his limits, eventually clinching third place, a testament to his resilience and determination.

Team Oysters, representing the Oyo State Biker’s Association, brought a unique flair to the competition. Despite their relative inexperience with the tracks and Kart racing, drivers Made and John Paul showcased commendable effort and spirit, adding a layer of excitement to the race.

Lastly, Team Elizade faced a challenging start with a lone driver making his debut. Lacking a mechanic or manager, the team’s future seemed uncertain. However, with the determination evident in the other teams, Team Elizade will likely transform the next race, emerging as a more formidable force.

In conclusion, the XKART race2 series at the Ondo auto rally event was a compelling display of skill, passion, and perseverance. Each team’s adventure and expedition, marked by triumphs and setbacks, added depth to the competition, setting the stage for an even more exhilarating series up ahead on the 4th of May, 2024.


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