The Women of UAC of Nigeria PLC: Inspiring inclusion, driving change and growth

Women of UAC

As the world celebrates women’s achievements this March, UAC of Nigeria PLC (UACN) recognises the pivotal role its women have played. With a rich history dating back to 1879, UACN owns businesses with some of Nigeria’s strongest brands and widest distribution.
Its business portfolio encompasses diverse sectors including Paints, Packaged Food & Beverages, Quick Service Restaurants, Animal Feeds & Other Edibles, Logistics, and Real Estate. As such, UACN adopts a long-term investment approach, aiming to contribute meaningful and sustainable value to each company within its portfolio.
With a mandate to inspire change across the various sectors it operates in, IJEOMA THOMAS-ODIA engages in a conversation with eight women holding top positions across the Group. They lend their voices to discuss the organisation’s role in driving inclusion while focusing on its five pillars of people, capital, technology, and governance.


Bolarin Okunowo serves as the Managing Director, Chemical and Allied Products Plc (CAP).
A seasoned business leader and finance specialist with over 17+ years’ experience, she holds a Bachelor’s Degree in Commerce from the University of Birmingham, UK, and a Master’s Degree in Information Systems from the prestigious London School of Economics.

According to her, “Organisations can take several steps to inspire inclusion and ensure gender diversity among their workforce.” At CAP, a key focus area has been setting the tone from the top, with strong female representation on the board and senior management. The company is proud of its legacy of having strong women leaders and is committed to maintaining this tradition.

Additionally, CAP is focused on providing an enabling environment for women to thrive. This includes building more flexibility into work practices, such as Work from Home policies, and providing amenities to cater to key needs, such as on-site creche facilities. Okunowo referred to the launch of CAP Women’s Network – “WINGS” (Women’s Inclusive Network for Growth and Success), which provides a safe haven for women to express their needs, share knowledge, develop and train, and access mentoring opportunities for career growth.

Ufuoma Ogeleka is the Managing Director, UAC Restaurants Ltd.
She holds a BA in English, and a Master’s Degree in Public and International Affairs (MPIA), from the University of Lagos. A certified brand innovator, with proven and versatile expertise in driving organisational growth, enhancing efficiency, and delivering exceptional customer experiences across board, she has several years of experience across different industries of play: The Hospitality Sector, Agricultural Sector, FMCG and Consumer Electronics.

Speaking on the organisation’s motto for inspiring inclusion, Ogeleka emphasised UAC Restaurants’ belief in “creating a supportive environment where everyone is valued, respected, and given an equal opportunity to thrive and succeed.” She further stated that the corporate culture at UAC Restaurants emphasises diversity and inclusion, recognising the unique perspectives and talents that women bring to the table. The organisation is also committed to “providing equal pay, opportunities for advancement, and a work environment free from discrimination or bias.”

Ogeleka laid emphasis on the fact that UAC Restaurants continually seeks ways to amplify the voices of women within the organisation, whether through leadership positions, mentorship programmes or initiatives that celebrate their achievements. The organisation believes that by championing inclusion, they not only enrich their company’s culture but also strengthen their portfolio brands and contribute positively to their communities.

Ultimately, the motto at UAC Restaurants is “to empower women to reach their full potential, both within the company and in broader society, creating a more equitable and inclusive future for all.”

Ifeoma Chuks-Adizue holds the position of Executive Director, Commercial, Chemical and Allied Products Plc. She holds a degree in Economics from the University of Jos where she graduated top of her class. She is a Registered Practitioner of the Advertising Practitioners Council of Nigeria and serves as a Non-Executive Director on the board of FINCA Microfinance Bank.

For Chuks-Adizue, International Women’s Day is a reminder of women’s value to the world, their communities, and the organisations they work in. Her message to women on IWD is three-fold:

“First, let us never forget the WHY: Inclusion of women across all levels of decision-making does not just give women a voice but also brings tremendous value to organisations and the world at large. We owe the world what we carry…and we need to act, always, bearing this in mind.”

“Secondly, as a woman in corporate, it is okay to be ambitious and show it. Contrary to the sentiments of the society we live in, it is very possible to grow in your career, be a voice in your industry without losing your identity or your home. There are so many women today thriving in their careers, enjoying happy marriages, and raising great children. Find them and learn from them.

“Thirdly, be proactive and courageous. Stop waiting for opportunities to drop on your lap. Identify what you want and start preparing for your desired roles today. Invest in yourself. Make decisions wisely, and when you do, own it and all that comes with it.”

Bidemi Fadayomi is the Executive Director, Development and Projects, UPDC Plc.
She holds a B.Sc and a Bachelor of Architecture from the University of Wales, Cardiff. Prior to joining UPDC, her roles included Head, Real Estate Asset Development of Argentil Asset Management Limited; VP, Real Estate for Avante Property Asset Management Services; Project Manager for Trench Farrow, UK and Project Architect at Aedas Architects UK.

In a recent statement, Fadayomi highlighted the importance of a cultural shift within organisations to promote inclusivity and address gender issues in the workplace. She emphasised the need for open dialogue at both the management and board levels, particularly regarding challenges such as maternity leave, childcare assistance, and remote work options.

UPDC has taken concrete steps to ensure equal access to employment opportunities, promotions, and leadership roles, regardless of gender. Fadayomi stated that the company has “implemented a fair hiring and promotion practice based on merit rather than gender in order to ensure equal access to employment opportunities, promotions, and leadership roles.” This commitment extends to ensuring representation at both the management and board levels.

Mentorship and sponsorship programmes are also key components of UPDC’s strategy to support women in advancing their careers. Through partnerships with organisations like Women, Wealth and Real Estate, a privately run NGO, UPDC offers mentoring opportunities in the real estate sector. These programmes aim to broaden women’s understanding of the business and real estate as a career option, providing guidance, support, and advocacy along the way.

Fadayomi stressed that “creating a safe and respectful work environment is a top priority for UPDC. The company has a zero-tolerance policy for harassment and discrimination, both in corporate offices and on construction sites.” UPDC provides avenues for reporting and addressing such behaviour, promoting a culture of respect and empathy that ensures women feel valued and supported in the workplace.

Funke Ijaiya-Oladipo serves as the Group Finance Director, UAC of Nigeria Plc.
She holds a B.Sc. degree in Economics and an M.Sc. degree in Project and Enterprise Management from University College London (UCL). She is a CFA charter holder and a member of the advisory board of Sponsors for Educational Opportunity Africa (SEO Africa), a non-profit leadership organisation.

According to Ijaiya-Oladipo, UACN’s commitment to diversity is a core belief that “diverse teams deliver superior results.” The company actively encourages diversity by gender, socio-economic background, religion, political orientation, age, and ethnicity.

The Group Finance Director was proud to report that 60 per cent of its executive management is female, a testament to its stance on gender equality and women in leadership. She further stated that “this commitment extends beyond the executive level, with strong female representation in middle and senior management, as well as on the board across the UAC group.” The company’s work environment is inclusive, providing employees with equal opportunities to succeed regardless of visible differences like gender or invisible differences like origin and religious background.

The commitment to diversity extends to supporting women’s entrepreneurship through various initiatives. UACN assists women-owned businesses in its distribution networks and implements a gender-inclusive sourcing strategy.

Recognising the importance of education in empowering women, Ijaiya-Oladipo stated that UACN has established specific scholarships for young girls from communities where its businesses operate. The company has also implemented measures to create a respectful and safe working environment for women, including providing gender sensitivity training, six months of paid maternity leave, and on-site childcare facilities.

Queenette Durosinmi-Etti serves as the Chief Operating Officer, (COO) UAC of Nigeria Plc.
A seasoned operations executive with a diverse background that spans both the legal sector and financial services, she possesses over a decade of professional experience in both Nigeria and the UK and holds a Law degree from King’s College London and an MBA from London Business School.

Durosinmi-Etti emphasised the importance of continuous learning and professional development. She highlighted that staying updated with industry trends and acquiring relevant qualifications are key to being prepared for new opportunities. At UACN, the company actively supports its employees by providing financial assistance for qualifications, enhancing both their competence and their ability to pursue their professional goals.

Mentorship and sponsorship were also highlighted as vital components for career acceleration for women. The COO advised individuals to “seek mentors who are in positions they aspire to reach, as well as to build strong peer networks for collaboration and growth.”

When asked about advice for women in the workplace, she encouraged them to “continue to seek leadership roles, attain financial literacy for independence, and prioritise physical and mental health.” She stressed the importance of establishing a support system, including professional assistance and help from family and friends, to achieve balance between family and professional life.

Durosinmi-Etti’s insights shed light on UACN’s commitment to empowering its workforce and promoting gender diversity and inclusion in the workplace.

Ayomipo Wey is the Company Secretary/Group General Counsel, UAC of Nigeria Plc.She holds a Bachelor of Laws (LLB) from the Lagos State University, Ojo; was called to the Nigerian bar in 2008 and obtained a Master of Laws (LLM) from Queen Mary, University of London in 2011. Wey is a Member of the Institute of Chartered Secretaries and Administrators (UK) and the Nigerian Bar Association.

According to Wey, “UACN creates an environment where everyone feels valued, respected, and empowered regardless of gender. The company has a deliberate focus on promoting inclusion at all levels, with a documented policy approved by its Board of Directors that promotes diversity, including gender diversity.”

The Company Secretary and Group General Counsel also mentioned that UACN provides equal opportunities for professional development, training, and promotions for all employees, irrespective of gender. She highlighted that in June 2021, UACN further demonstrated its commitment to gender diversity by committing to the International Finance Corporation’s (IFC) Nigeria2Equal programme. This programme, organised by the IFC and the Nigerian Exchange (NGX), supports UACN’s gender-focused commitment and underscores its strategic approach to fostering gender diversity and inclusion.

Abosede Ogundiyun is the Head of Talent Strategy, UAC of Nigeria Plc.
She holds a B.Sc. in Biochemistry from the University of Lagos and an MBA from Lagos Business School. She is a member of several HR organisations including the Chartered Institute of Personnel Management of Nigeria (CIPM) and Society of Human Resource Management Institute (SHRM).

Ogundiyun highlighted that the most significant way UACN has advanced her career is through “imaging”, by providing tangible evidence that she can reach any stage as a woman. She expressed frustration with organisations that “merely pay lip service to having female leaders” but noted that at UACN, she sees women of all ages thriving and advancing.

From her initial interview, where she was interviewed by a senior woman from the investment team to her current role after four years, she has witnessed women at UACN achieving remarkable feats. Her first line manager was a woman, and she currently serves on a leadership team alongside four other women who lead various Group teams. Across UACN’s subsidiaries, numerous women hold leadership roles.

Ogundiyun emphasised that at UACN, she doesn’t have to wonder if she will be supported; she witnesses support in action every day. For example, she has seen women being promoted while on maternity leave for projects completed before their leave. This practice exemplifies UACN’s commitment to imaging and providing visible examples of women’s advancement within the organisation.


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