The Relevance Of Water To Beauty

Yes dolls. Water happens to do a lot to your body. It keeps you healthy, gives you flawless skin and makes you look ever young. Get ready to look a few years younger.

The relevance of water to beauty on a scale of 1-10 would be 20. It is very essential that it becomes part of your beauty routine.

The Institute of Medicine determined that an adequate intake (AI) for men is roughly about 13 cups (3 liters) of total beverages a day. The AI for women is about 9 cups (2.2 liters) of total beverages a day. Water is a powerful substance for the human body. About two thirds of our body weight is water, and every cell and organ in the human body needs it to function properly. From your face to your intestines, water is absolutely necessary for survival.

Water reduces wrinkles and fine lines

Water eradicates dark circles

Water reduces headaches

Water makes your skin glow


I’ve found that water makes a big difference in skin health,” says Nazarian. “Without adequate water intake, skin appears duller, and wrinkles and pores more prominent.”

That may be because water plumps up the skin, causing wrinkles and pores to, more or less, get filled in. What’s more, a variety of structures in the skin that support collagen require water to work effectively” says Julius Few, M.D., director of The Few Institute and clinical professor of plastic surgery at the University of Chicago.

Bonus: When skin is hydrated, plump, and elastic, it’s less likely to crack and let in external particles that can cause irritations and blemishes.

I’ve even found that my patients tend to complain of more acne lesions when they’re dehydrated,” says Nazarian.

We know that small changes in diet can affect the type of oil and sebum that your skin makes, which we know, in turn, can be associated with an increase in acne formation. Dehydration may work the same way to trigger these changes in the oil glands in the skin’



