The Mystery of wickedness – Part 4

John Okene

A mystery is something beyond human understanding; it is difficult or impossible to explain. The act of wickedness is, indeed, a mystery. Wickedness is never an attribute of God. Gal 5:22 tells us that God is full of love, goodness, gentleness and peace. It baffles understanding, therefore, why men will exercise wickedness against their fellow men. It is certainly not the spirit of God, it is of the devil. Ps. 7:9 says: “Oh lord, let the wickedness of the wicked come to an end; but establish the just: for the righteous God trieth the hearts and reins.” Wickedness is practiced at every level of the society today. We see wickedness in the homes, among family members, in the neighborhood, communities, institutions, even religious centres, nations and world at large. May God deliver you from every form of wickedness you are going through right now in Jesus’name.

We shall quickly consider how this wickedness is perpetuated. The first of them is by divination and enchantment. Divination is the act of using satanic means to look into the future of someone. There are different means by which they do this like looking into a mirror or bowl of water, reading your palms and so on. The intention is to manipulate your destiny, but I pray for you that whatever means is being used against you will backfire on them in Jesus’ name.

Most diviners are also enchanters and enchantment means using satanic means to pronounce a spell on someone, so, the person will begin to act accordingly. Isa 44:25 says whatever they use as token against you shall not stand. Those that say you will not make it in life will run mad without remedy in Jesus’ name.

Another way wickedness is being perpetuated is through satanic altars or shrine. They can use the picture of a person or an image representing the victim tied upon the evil altar. Again, they can use demonic dreams and that is why you most not take your dreams lightly. If you have a strange dream, rise up to pray and cancel it immediately using the word of God. Some persons experience evil summoning or judgment where you find yourself in a strange court in your dream and they pronounce judgment upon you. May God release fire upon such strange court and the evil magistrate presiding over it in Jesus’ name. Some other persons experience evil visitation where they are being pressed down by witchcraft powers. Such visitation could also be night attacks with sickness or angel of death where they begin to see dead relatives and friends in the dream. You must pray fervently to overcome all these.
Evil plantation or strangers is another way of perpetuating wickedness. They can introduce witchcraft animals into the body of their victim and such persons feel strange movements all over the body. It can also be evil arrows causing strange sicknesses that defy solution. Sometimes the food you eat in the dream is an evil consumption that causes diseases and poison of darkness. All these, are acts of wickedness. Some other persons are given evil load or garment of darkness, which attracts disfavour and disappointments in their lives.

Lastly, it can come through evil gifts and illicit sexual encounters. You must mind the kind of gifts you receive and who you receive gifts from. Apart from the medical implications of illicit sex, it can open doors to spirit spouse in your life. If you are not born again then surrender your life to Christ today and repent from your sins.

Rise up in prayers to execute the written judgment of God and terminate wickedness in your life. Prov. 11:21, Psalm 101:8, Isaiah 54:15,17.
Prayer Points:
• Wickedness in my family line in the name of Jesus, die.
• Demonic altars where my name is being called in the name of Jesus, catch fire.
• Arrows of sickness or affliction fired at me, in the name of Jesus, go back to your sender.
• Dark strangers in my body, in the name of Jesus, come out by fire.
• Powers behind the demonic surveillance over my life, in the name of Jesus, die!
• Vampires of the night assigned to feed on my blood, hear the word of the Lord, I am not your candidate, in the name of Jesus, die!
•Hidden curses issued against my life that is preventing me from moving forward, break in Jesus’ name.
• Pot of darkness used to cage my life or destiny in the name of Jesus, break.
• Witchcraft powers of my father’s house or mother’s house, playing with my destiny, be roasted by fire.
• Divine Touch Int’l Ministries Warri, Delta State,, Prayer line: +2348135952623



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