The Ministry Gifts Of The Holy Spirit (4)


Memory Verse: 1Corin. 14:3 – But he that prophesieth speaketh unto men to edification, and exhortation, and comfort. Bible Passage: 1Corin. 14:17-33

WE will continue our study of the prophetic ministry gift today. We cannot go beyond scratching the surface here. This Bible study is just a little more than an outline containing relevant Bible passages for a more in-depth teaching.
True Prophets

Those called to be prophets in the church have unique roles. It is not everyone who prophesies that can perform these roles. It is the exclusive preserve of those called to the prophetic ministry. Prophets illuminate and show forth God’s will on pending issues in real time. They declare openly by inspiration, God’s word without fear or favour. They exhort, edify and comfort. Their messages convince unbelievers and turn them to Christ. Their warnings and instructions become irresistible. Acts 21:8-11; Acts 13:1-4; 1Cor. 14:1-3; 1Cor. 14:24-25; 2Chro. 24:19; 2Kings. 17:13; 2Sam. 12:7-12.

The Marks
We need to discern the deceptive prophets from true ones. This is not always easy. False prophecies are from the flesh and are ill motivated attempts to manipulate. Control and influence are some of the predominant factors driving false prophets. They claim to be the source of true prophecies, which they, in fact, copied from someone else. True prophecies do not contradict the written word of God. False prophets, for instance, have a clever way of explaining sexual immorality and are often involved in nauseating immoral conduct, insisting that believers only have limited understanding of the work of grace on the cross. They try to lead people away from obedience to God by complicating very simple straightforward commandments. They can also deceive with miraculous signs. Invariably, the fruit of the spirit is always missing in their lives. Some go as far as claiming divinity. Jer. 14:13-14; 23:28-31; Micah 3:5; 1Cor.13: 8; Rom. 12:6; 1Jn. 4:1-3; 2Pet. 2:1-3; Deut. 13:1-5; Matt. 24:11, 23-24; Matt. 7:15-16; Deut. 18:20-22.

Prophecies must always be considered in the light of the spirit and letter of God’s Word. Believers should not be preoccupied with finding a prophet. Neither will true prophets be fixated on being recognised as a Prophet called by God. By their fruits we shall know, respect and honour true prophets. 1Pet. 1:25; Rom. 8:14. You will receive your own ministry gift in the name of Jesus.

