The Guardian’s Special Focus on Nigeria’s 100 Most Proactive, Result-Driven CEOs in 2020-Part Two

Even before the emergence of the COVID-19 pandemic, the outlook for the world economy – and especially developing countries like Nigeria – was fragile, as global GDP growth was estimated to be only 2.5% in 2020.

Based on this unanticipated and unpleasant reality, the consequences have been devastating and enormous on business organisations, whereby a number of them have resorted to downsizing and laying off staff in order to cut down costs, improve operational capacity, and effectively deliver on set target.

However, despite the daunting challenges and dire outcome on the fortunes of many, some result- driven Chief Executives have been able to
navigate their organizations to optimal operational effectiveness, efficiency, and visibility. These they have made possible through the application of ingenious management practices, prudent management of resources, as well as excellent, proactive and innovative solutions and ideas in achieving set goals and objectives

While they defy the apparent harsh economic environment by piloting the affairs of their companies to profitability, these exceptional men and women deserve recognition for their out-of-the-box innovations and enviable CSR interventions. Indeed, they deserve laurels in their efforts and contributions to the stability and growth of the nation’s economy, as well as modelling other upcoming businesses.

In this Special Annual Series, The Guardian features some of the selected CEOs of excellence in this outgoing year, 2020.

Dr. Obioma Jayne Onwumere, _PIWAN Group_

Dr. Obioma Jayne Onwumere: Exceptional, Creating Value, Empowering Nigerians, Providing Opportunities, Globally
Nigeria is no doubt blessed with unique women who stand out in their respective fields or by virtue of the position they occupy and have affected the country and its image positively. These women cut across all spheres of human endeavour, from the political arena to business sectors.

One of such women of distinction is Dr. Obioma Jayne (OJ) Onwumere, Group Managing Director/Chief Executive Officer, PWAN Group. Without mincing words, Dr. Jayne Onwumere has distinguished herself not only as a seasoned entrepreneur, real estate mogul and women empowerment advocate, but has also demonstrated a high degree of integrity and competence in her roles and engagements.

At a time when Nigeria’s employment market was dwindling and some families losing their homes due to lack of funds to pay rent, Dr. Jayne and her husband Dr Augustine Onwumere received a God-given vision to make Home Ownership Dream a Reality for as many people as possible in the country. This dream birthed a Real Estate Network, PWAN -an acronym for Property World Africa Network.

Dr. Jayne Onwumere leads a team of 17 Managing Directors with over 350 Staff spread across 17 Companies that make up the PWAN Group and over 40,000 Independent Network Marketing Professionals also known as PWAN Business Owners (PBOs).

Driven by Onwumere’s creativity, innovativeness and entrepreneurial acumen, PWAN HOMES (an acronym for Property World Africa Network Home Ownership Made Easy Scheme), has arguably pioneered the first real estate network marketing business in Nigeria, Africa and globally.

With a crop of professionals generally called Partners/Consultants PIWAN has created a platform for empowering and changing lives in Nigeria and beyond, providing opportunities for hundreds of thousands of citizens to earn consistent income as real estate entrepreneurs.

True to the CEO’s eye for greatness and creating opportunities for others, three years into its operation, PWAN HOMES began to open other companies in partnership with independent consultants which today form the PWAN Group.

Presently, there are sixteen affiliate companies known as PWAN EDGE, PWAN Plus, PWAN Premium, PWAN Heritage, PWAN Haven, PWAN Prime, PWAN Legend, PWAN Stars, PWAN Lekki, PWAN Royale, PWAN Pro, PWAN Max, PWAN Advantage, PWAN Bazaar, PWAN Legacy and PWAN Signatures. This is a move with no precedence in the history of Business in Nigeria.

Also included in the Group is PHPAC, the company charged with the responsibility of raising and equipping the consultants and partners now known as PBOs. In the last 8 years, PHPAC has trained thousands of people in Network Marketing in general, Real Estate Network Marketing in particular, Entrepreneurship, Management, Leadership, etc.

Apart from her mentorship, Mrs. Onwumere philanthropic disposition is focused on the less privileged in the society, providing for orphanages, paying tuitions and attending to many with rent issues. In 2017, Mama Africa as she is fondly called, single handedly empowered 50 women to start up small business venture or to improve existing ones with Fifty Thousand Naira each through her Empowerment for all Women Initiative. This she intends to establish as an annual event.

She was conferred with an Honorary Doctorate Degree by the European-American University, Commonwealth of Dominica because of her contributions to making home ownership dream a reality for as many people as possible.

Dr Jayne Onwumere, a lifelong learner, is an alumnus of Lagos Business School and is presently in the Owner President Management Programme at the prestigious Harvard Business School, Boston Massachusetts, USA.

Dr. Rowland Adewumi, _Zephyrgold Group PLC_

Rowland Adewumi: Implementing New Processes And Business Change To Improve Efficiency

With an M.Sc and a PhD from prestigious Universities in the United Kingdom, Dr. Rowland Adewumi, a chartered civil engineer has over 20 years of diverse professional experience gained in the UK, Nigeria, India, and the Middle East, including the World Bank Groups and Department for International Development (DFID-UK).

As a Fellow, Nigerian Society of Engineers; Fellow, Institute of Management Consultants Certified Management Consultant (FIMC); Fellow, Institute for Government Research & Leadership Technology; Fellow, Institute of Policy Management Development (IPMD, Dr. Adewumi has made a significant contribution to several major engineering projects in Nigeria, implementing new processes and business change to improve efficiency.

While reacting to those who call him “courageous at all challenges”, Adewumi explained that he has been simply more committed to any assignment given than to staying convenient with the status quo – an attitude he said brought his career to life.

Zephyrgold Group PLC’s phenomenal growth, significant strength

There is no magic behind the re-positioning of Zephyrgold, its phenomenal growth and significant strength than hard work, dedication, diligence, efficient management, and God. In addition, my vision is my guide, that is, I knew where I was going to from the starting point. I do not risk losing control just because things are bad, I act decisively on all professional matters. Like Florence Nightingale said, “I attribute my success to this: I never gave or took any excuse.”

Industry experience, economic growth, COVID-19, and civil unrest in Nigeria

My experience in the industry has not been rosy, as many people would think. Sometimes, you would work but would not be paid as and when due. However, we are where we are today because we stayed focused. I did not let money be my only motivating factor but rather, passion for Engineering has been the determinant for my recorded success.
Meanwhile, the recent events of COVID-19 and civil unrest in the country poses a challenging moment for all business owners, especially, businesses in the construction industry that have been operating in an unfriendly environment prior to the unrest. However, as an entrepreneur, thinking “without the box” and taking advantage of every situation, are key factors that will sustain any business during unusual phase.
Here in Nigeria, one has to be prepared for whatever situation, learn to accept and move forward. Life is ever-changing and external details keep altering. This change often helps to learn and grow. You cannot control external events but can change the way you respond to them.
In this industry, one has to be steadfast, or else the “big guys” will push you out of business. Nonetheless, with tenacity and hard work, every trying moment becomes a history.

Young entrepreneurs’ criteria to succeed

There are so many qualities required or needed for a young entrepreneur to succeed in Nigeria but most importantly, hard work, tenacity, efficient management and prudence. As an entrepreneur, understand that ‘Rome’ was never built in a day. The only way to success is hard work and diligence. Also, ensure that you acquire necessary skills needed for any type of business you are planning to do.

Local content, protecting indigenous companies, championing ease of doing business in Nigeria

Firstly, government must create enabling and conducive environment for small and medium businesses to thrive. For instance, jobs that indigenous companies can execute successfully should not be given to foreign contemporaries. Unfortunately, sometimes reverse is the case. Secondly, government should encourage local production of raw materials and ensure mandatory patronage by the end users (companies). Incentives especially, tax waiver should be given to small and medium scale businesses, as well as reduction of company registration fee for new businesses.

Chief Joshua Denila, _Hypercom Network Limited_

