The governor Anambra needs


Sir: Professor Charles Chukwuma Soludo doesn’t need any introduction in the Nigeria’s space. He is one of the connoisseurs from the country that both the intelligentsia within and international communities always doff off caps whenever they mount a stage to deliver lectures on economic and management issues. Soludo is a member of the British Department for International Development’s (DFID), International Advisory Group. In Nigeria, he is a member of the Presidential Economic Advisory Committee, and holds other sensitive positions both far and near. These scorecards speak volume.

Politics aside, Soludo has distinguished himself and become a force to be reckoned with vis-à-vis impacts to the national economic strata. The eloquent professor of economics, under normal circumstances, shouldn’t fight with mere politicians to lead any state in the country on account of his management skills, exposure and experiences over the years. He creditably led the Central Bank of Nigeria as its governor with enviable scorecards, and also, as chairman, CBN Board of Directors. Anambra indigenes should somewhat count themselves lucky to have Soludo considering what he would bring to the table.

Beyond that, it shows that Anambra is indeed prosperous by progressive records on her governors. After Chinwoke Mbadinuju’s administration of the Peoples Democratic Party which was hijacked and frustrated by god-fatherism, the state had continued to take upward dimensions successively with visible impacts. To sustain the momentum, a square peg must necessarily be positioned to a square hole. The first-class brand, Soludo should therefore be embraced with massive support.

Anambra needs a man with expertise, proficiency and capacity to take the state to the next level from its present position. The state has gone beyond ‘trial and error’ leadership which opportune politicians always resort to when in office as witnessed in her neighbouring states and beyond.

The former U.S. President, Donald Trump’s administration should teach scores of lessons to politicians and electorates. To become successful in private businesses or assemble mere academic certificates shouldn’t only be the factor to vie for public service. Adequate experiences can never be overemphasized.

Most times, people without adequate skills gear up for sensitive positions, and at the end, subject the people and their destinies to misery and poverty. Politicians often see public office as ‘turn-by-turn’. But it goes beyond it. It must have both immediate and long-term positive impacts on the people. The country is looking forward to a time all the states will be manned by technocrats competing for significant impacts in the lives of their people, and not just opportunists. That’s the overall essence of leadership, and not for egotism and shows they display every now and then. Unfortunately, all that the people get most times from their so-called leaders are betrayals, abuse of office, extreme amassment of wealth and other intimidations.

Thus, as commonly said, ‘shine your eyes’, Anambra people. On this premise, I repeat, Soludo, run, run!

Umegboro, is a public affairs analyst and Associate, Chartered Institute of Arbitrators (United Kingdom).


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