The demonstration of the gospel power

Text: Matthew 9:18

The gospel is the power of God. It is the strength of God upon which salvation is granted to sinners. The gospel is the fullness of God’s power. It is irreplaceable and no mortal man can stop the Word of God. However, it is so disheartening that preachers downplay this Word of God in their presentation, interpretation and lifestyle. They have by their conduct, made the Word of God non-effective among their congregation.

Regrettably, many carry the Word of God without knowing the efficacy and the power attached to such word. In fact, some believers do not even know what they carry! This is predicated on the faithlessness they manifest in times of trials. The fact is that if believers really understand what they carry, they will never be afraid or moved by any circumstance in life.

There is no gainsaying the fact that there is no life in the word of God some people carry. The word is so empty and powerless in their lives. This is because people carry and preach the word of God in sin. The world is fed up with the gospel message preached without power. They want to see the demonstration of power in the Word of God. But empty preachers on the pulpit have made the Word of God to be non-effective.

The efficacy of the Word of God was demonstrated in the life of Lazarus, who was dead and buried. Jesus came to the scene when everybody thought it was impossible for Lazarus to rise again, because he had been in the grave for four days. But at the Word of Jesus, Lazarus came forth from the grave. God’s Word is never too late. It works at all times because God has honour for His word more than His name.

If believers know the power attached to the Word of God, they will confess positively, even in the face of seemingly difficult situations. The Word of God did not bring salvation only to man, but it also came to take care of every aspect of man’s life. It has the capacity to save man from things he does not have answer to. It has the potency to undo the enemy’s works and straighten every crooked path. Absolute trust and reliance should be placed on God’s Word with undaunted faith.

Embrace the Word of God today. Love it. Allow it to work in your life.

For further reading: Romans 1:16; 15:19; Jn 1:1; 2 Cor. 1:6; Jn 6: 6; Acts 8:4-8; Acts 9:36-42, 32-35; Jn 11:20-24, 38-44.

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