Tetracore boosts gas for industrial hubs with CNG, LNG projects

Olakunle Williams, Managing Director/CEO, Tetracore

Tetracore Energy Group has commissioned its compressed natural gas (CNG) facility and modular liquefied natural gas (LNG) project to enhance gas availability across Nigeria’s Western-Southern corridor which is home to key industrial hubs.

The CNG facility, situated along the Benin-Sagamu Express Road in Ogun State, boasts a capacity of 3.1 MMscf/d and is expandable to 6.2 MMscf/d, providing room for expansion as the demand for gas grows.

The LNG project aims to further diversify the company’s energy offerings and contribute to the nation’s energy independence. The Managing Director of Tetracore, Olakunle Williams, underscored the company’s commitment to shaping Nigeria’s energy sector.

He said the LNG facility will enable the efficient production and distribution of liquefied natural gas, providing a versatile and environmentally friendly energy source for various applications, including transportation, industry and power generation.

Williams said the establishment of these facilities not only signifies progress in the nation’s energy sector but also generates substantial economic benefits for the local community.

He said the projects will create numerous job opportunities during the construction and operational phases, fostering economic development and growth in the region.

Williams emphasised that the company is determined to harness natural gas’s potential to drive industrialisation and enable energy availability while contributing to national economic development in Nigeria and across Africa.

He said the facility prioritises efficiency and safety, achieving an impressive energy conversion efficiency rate of over 90 per cent with the company’s adherence to international standards, including ISO 9001:2015 QMS, which reflects its dedication to quality, customer satisfaction, and sustainability.

Williams emphasised that the company’s initiatives represent a significant leap towards a sustainable and robust energy ecosystem in Nigeria, driving industrialisation, economic growth, and energy access across the nation and beyond.


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