Terrorists kill three, rustle several cattle in Katsina

Suspected terrorists have killed three people and injured several others during an attack on Gajenharo village in Batsari Local Government Area of Katsina State.

The incident occurred in the late hours of Sunday night, with the terrorists said to have operated without let into the early hours of Monday morning.

Armed with automatic weapons and in their numbers, the terrorists were said to have stormed the community riding on motorcycles and shot sporadically to register their presence.

A source familiar with the incident said the terrorists went from house to house, carting away anything valuable, including cash, handsets, clothes, and grains.

He said the terrorists also rustled several cows which community members use to plough their farmlands, and set many houses ablaze.

He said most of the injured were currently receiving treatment at local health centres in the council, while critical cases had been referred to hospitals in the state metropolitan area.

The source added that security operatives had been deployed to the area, but residents have continued to express concern over more attacks in the near future.

According to him, attacks by terrorists were usually prevalent during the rainy season as community members were often forced to pay dues to terrorists before being allowed to till their farmlands.

He said that the amounts terrorists ask for were usually beyond the reach of community members and that failure to pay such dues was what often led to the incessant attacks.

Batsari is amongst the seven frontline council areas in the state bedevilled by incessant security challenges, with hardly a week going by without reports of an attack or more.

In the last two weeks alone, there had been four different attacks on communities in the area, with attendant loss of lives, abductions, rustlings, and carting away of valuables.

On May 22 for example, terrorists stormed Kagadima village in Batsari, killing two persons and abducting four others, including a newly wedded couple.

They also carted away household items, rustled 12 cows, and set several houses ablaze.

The next day, May 23, marauding terrorists killed one person at Batsarin-Alhaji village; killed two others and abducted four women at Tudunraha village on May 26 in the same council area.

The spokesperson for the police command in the state, ASP Abubakar Aliyu, was yet to respond to an inquiry on the incident as at the time of this report.


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