Terrorists kill dozens in Katsina LG attacks

ISWAP Terrorists

Terrorists have killed many people and injured scores of others in a series of attacks on several communities in Kankara Local Government Area (LGA) of Katsina State.

The attacks, which occurred late Sunday night into the early hours of Monday morning, also saw several residents of the affected communities abducted by the armed hoodlums.

A source familiar with the incident said more than 50 people, including women and children, were killed during the attacks.

Another source put the figure even higher, at over 65, saying more dead bodies were being recovered Monday morning, while some of the injured had succumbed to their injuries.

“It is one of the saddest days for the people of the affected communities in Kankara. The government needs to really do something for a lasting solution to these security challenges,” he said.

He also said that dozens of community members, including women and children, were abducted and whisked away into the forest by the terrorists.

He said residents of the affected communities were still carrying out headcounts to determine how many people had been abducted, while the injured were receiving treatment at the hospital.

Last week, terrorists in their numbers stormed several villages in the Dutsinma and Safana council areas where they killed over 40 persons, looted many homes, and abducted an unspecified number of people.

Still, last week, terrorists also killed three persons in the Dandume council area and injured scores, with domestic animals and private properties looted in the process.

The incidents come a few days after terrorists abducted two staff members of the Federal University, Dutsinma (FUDMA), and a son of one of the victims at their GRA residence in the council area.

Though efforts from the federal and state governments had seen a reduction in the spate of attacks by terrorists, the situation has, however, continued to rear its ugly head, especially in hard-to-reach community areas.

The spokesperson for the police command in the state, ASP Abubakar Aliyu, did not immediately respond to an inquiry on the incident at the time of reporting.


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