Teacher sentenced to life imprisonment for sexually assaulting seven-year-old girl

• Three convicted for electricity theft in Ogun
Justice Abiodun Akinyemi of the Ogun State High Court sitting in Abeokuta has sentenced a 47-year-old secondary school teacher, Ojo Ezekiel, to life imprisonment for sexually assaulting a seven-year-old minor.

The convict who was first arraigned on July 1, 2022, faced trial under provisions of the Violence Against Persons (Prohibition) Law of Ogun State, 2017.

The prosecution presented compelling evidence, leading to Ezekiel’s conviction on a sole count of rape.

According to Olusegun Olaotan, the prosecuting counsel, the victim’s mother noticed something was amiss about her daughter’s private part while she bathed her.

Upon questioning, the seven-year-old disclosed the repeated sexual abuse by Ezekiel.

During the trial, the victim bravely testified against her abuser, recounting how Ezekiel would pull aside her underwear and insert his finger into her vagina.

The victim revealed chilling details of the abuse, saying Ezekiel carried out the despicable act inside his car, parked under a tree after school hours, warning her not to disclose the abuse or face consequences.

In his final submission, Olaotan urged the court to deliver justice, emphasising the overwhelming evidence against the defendant.

He highlighted the victim’s consistent testimony, supported by medical findings and corroborating evidence from her mother.

Justice Akinyemi, acknowledging the prosecution’s case, declared Ezekiel guilty of sexual assault and sentenced him to life imprisonment.

“This ruling serves as a stern warning to perpetrators of sexual violence and underscores the judiciary’s commitment to protecting the rights of minors and delivering swift justice in cases of abuse,” the court held.

Also, Justice A. Demi-Ajayi of a Federal High Court sitting in Abeokuta, Ogun State, convicted three individuals for unlawfully tampering with, disconnecting, and damaging electrical installations belonging to the Ibadan Electricity Distribution Company (IBEDC).

The convicts are: Chibueze Emmanuel, Michael Genesis, and Ojuolape Olaitan.

Their conviction came amid ongoing efforts by IBEDC and the Federal Government’s Special Investigation and Prosecution Task Force on Electricity Offences (SIPTEO) to combat energy theft within the IBEDC franchise area.

The Guardian learnt that Emmanuel and Genesis were apprehended in January 2022, while Olaitan was arrested in January 2024.

It was revealed that energy theft, which includes offences, such as meter bypass and illegal meter tampering, has inflicted losses worth hundreds of millions of naira on the company.

Justice A. Demi-Ajayi sentenced each of the defendants to six years imprisonment.

Speaking, the prosecution said the severity of the punishment underscored the gravity of the offence and served as deterrent to others.


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