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Libya's eastern military chief Khalifa Haftar's media office, shows his son Saddam Haftar attending a military parade in Benghazi. - Libya's military strongman in the east, Khalifa Haftar, has recently appointed his youngest son as chief of land army -- the latest of household appointments in an effort to tighten the family's grip on the divided country's east. In early June, General Saddam Haftar, 33, took over as chief of staff of the land forces within the Libyan Arab Armed Forces (LAAF), the eastern-based military which his father heads. (Photo by Media office of Khalifa Haftar / AFP) / === RESTRICTED TO EDITORIAL USE - MANDATORY CREDIT "AFP PHOTO / HO /MEDIA OFFICE OF KHALIFA HAFTAR" - NO MARKETING NO ADVERTISING CAMPAIGNS - DISTRIBUTED AS A SERVICE TO CLIENTS ===

Sales of books on Islam rocket after France attacks

Books on Islam are selling out in France after deadly extremist attacks in the capital raised uncomfortable questions about Europe's fastest-growing religion.
9 years ago