Sustain potential, nobility of profession, Mbah tasks lawyers

Enugu State Deputy Governor, Ifeanyi Ossai, (fourth from right) posed with executives of Nigerian Bar Association Section on Business Law Southeast/South South zones during their business interactions programme in Enugu State recently

Legal practitioners in the country have been charged to utilise their inherent rich potential in enhancing the welfare of the people and creating job opportunities for the law profession.

Governor of Enugu state, Peter Mbah gave the advice in Enugu while declaring open the Nigerian Bar Association Section on Business Law (NBA-SBL) Eastern Zonal Conference.

Represented by his Deputy, Ifeanyi Ossai, a lawyer, he stated that lawyers have endowment that can enable them to depict their well cherished experience to generations coming after them, adding that they should unite and explore their innate endowments.

He spoke on the theme, “unlocking prosperity, exploring the legal and entrepreneurial business opportunity of Nigeria.”

Mbah stated that opportunities abound in the legal profession, particularly the section on Business Law, noting that the amendment of the power sector Act has provided the needed opportunity for legal practitioners in the business sector to excel.

He further enjoined them to nurture and train incoming lawyers to avoid leaving the profession in the hands of amateurs.

“The theme of the NBA-SBL conference cannot be more apt than now at a time when our country is facing huge economic turmoil, foreign exchange crisis and growing unemployment. So, we need lawyers to midwife the resurgence of sustainable business.

“We need the resurgence of what made us a great country where Corporations would come into the universities seeking to employ final year students.

“Before now, what was important was to go to law school, have a good grade and wait for opportunities to naturally come our way, but today, it is different, those circumstances have gone.

“We now have employment challenges and it is not just in Nigeria, but all over the world,” Mbah, who is also a lawyer stated.


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