Stepping into a new season (3)

[FILES] John Okene. Photo: YOUTUBE
The first key to stepping into a new season is praising God. If you learn to appreciate God for where you are now, then it means that you are prepared to step into a new season.

When David was faced with a difficult situation in the wilderness, he was abandoned and as a result he did not care about the family business, yet he continued to praise God until the light of God’s favour located him.

When his new season came, all his siblings and family members came to celebrate him. Set a quiet time to seek God in prayer, studying and meditating on His word. This is another key to stepping into your new season. David was in the wilderness, a place of severe lack and thirst, but his thirst was towards God, Psa. 63:1.

“One thing have I desired of the Lord, that will I seek after, that I may dwell in the house of the Lord all the days of my life to behold the beauty of the Lord, and to enquire in his temple.” Psa. 27:4

You also need to build capacity and character for a new season. These qualities will advertise you for your helpers to locate you. David built his capacity in his wilderness days. He was an excellent musician, a brave and skillful fighter. He had good character. He was prudent in matters, that is, careful and sensible. He was discreet, wise and with sound judgment. He was decent in his language, outlook and manners. In addition to this, he carried God’s presence, which gave him an aura of favour.

Many people lose the opportunity for a good job because they may have the skill, but no character or have character without skill. Learn to turn your gift into a skill and build your spiritual stamina. There has to be a balance of everything for you to enter into your new season. When God called Abraham out of his father’s house, he was taking him not just to a new geographical location, but also to experience a new season.

At 75, nothing significant had happened in the life of Abraham, he was still very far from God’s prophetic agenda for him. Sometimes, when we are faced with such a situation, God may want to separate us from some wrong or negative ideologies, people or locations. The greatest mistake we make is to keep ourselves glued to them. Abraham carried Lot along with him and so he could not fully step into his new season until there was a separation.

Lot represents negativity in your life and you must eliminate it fast if you must step into your new season. Avoid negative thoughts; you cannot rise higher than your thoughts, Prov. 23:7. Also, avoid negative words that can negate the word of God in your heart.
Associating with the wrong people can corrupt your thoughts, way of life and language and this will in turn distract you from God’s plan for your life. Negativism is poisonous to your spirit. Maintain company with people who can inspire you to your next level. Identify the Lots in your life and cut ties with them. Lot represents a covering in your life or excess luggage. It also represents that friend that lures you into sin. Lot is like Jonah in your boat of destiny, they are not allowed to follow you into the next season of your life.

“He that walketh with wise men shall be wise: but a companion of fools shall be destroyed.” Prov. 13:20.
Prayer Points
Father, put upon me the garment of praise.
O Lord, as I praise you this season, let the light of your favour locate me in Jesus’ name.
Father, destroy every unwanted desire in my life in Jesus’ name.
Father, advertise me for my helpers to locate me.
O Lord, restore every opportunity I have lost to enter my new season in Jesus’ name.
• Divine Touch Int’l Ministries, Warri, Delta State. Prayer line: +2348135952623

Father, help me to understand your prophetic agenda for me.
O Lord, destroy every power working in me against your will.
Father, destroy every form of negativity in my life in Jesus’ name.
O Lord, separate me from everything or person that represents lot in my life in Jesus’ name.
Powers assigned against my new season, receive fire in Jesus’ name.

• Divine Touch Int’l Ministries, Warri, Delta State. Prayer line: +2348135952623


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