Staying Motivated When Negativity Seems To Be All Around

IN life, there may be times when negativity seems to surround you, suffocating your dreams and destroying your hope. When that happens, many go through their day being saturated with negativity and accepting it as a way of life. While you can’t always control what happens to you, you can control how you respond to it.

Seek to create a positive environment for yourself and you’ll begin to become more motivated to achieve your dreams and goals. Here are 10 ways to stay motivated through hard times:

1. Have an attitude of expectancy
You will get what you expect. Expect something great to happen for you every day and it will. Say aloud each morning to yourself in the mirror, “I expect something good to happen for me today!”

2. Take control over what you can, and stop worrying about what you can’t Some things are within your control, while other things are not.
Learn to recognize the difference. Refuse to worry about circumstances beyond your control. Don’t allow yourself to become so emotionally entangled that it paralyzes your progress. Things may not always work out perfectly, but the sooner you get over them, the quicker you move on to your next victory. Only you can control your own actions and reactions.

3. Read and listen to positive information

If you fill your mind with uplifting and inspiring information, it will keep you motivated. Go to the bookstore or library today and find at least one book on a positive topic that will give you a boost. You need constant reminders telling you that you are capable of achievement.

4. Be with positive people as often as possible
Negative people and conversations will have you focused on all the wrong things and may take your focus off of your goals. Seek out positive people and don’t engage in negative conversations. Instead, choose to remain neutral or just don’t participate at all. If you find yourself caught in the middle of a conversation that is going in the wrong direction, change the subject to something productive. Try saying something like, “I am focused on finishing this new project. I’m really excited about it.” If you are stuck on the phone with a negative person, you could cut it short by telling them, “I have an important appointment/meeting/conference call in five minutes and I need to finish preparing for it now.”

5. Speak positive affirmations
Words have a creative force. Regardless of what is going on around you, speak out loud what you want to happen. Write out an affirmation that you can say daily and put it up somewhere that you are sure to see it every day, like your bathroom mirror or your refrigerator.

6. Learn from your mistakes, instead of repeating them
We all make mistakes; the key is to learn from them and keep on moving. Conduct regular self-evaluations and examine how you handled situations and what you could do differently next time. Write down possible solutions and outcomes so when you are faced with a problem you can properly think through the best way to handle it.

7. Make a plan

There is a very popular saying: “If you fail to plan, you plan to fail.”

