Standing with God in most difficult times

Text: Daniel 3:1 – 30

Trouble is a normal phenomenon in Christianity. Nobody can rule out troubles and persecution in Christian faith. In fact, there are reasons for such persecutions. But Christians are not patient enough to see the end result of persecution.

Some people compromise their faith during severe heat of trials and persecutions but failed to realise that Job was an exception. He stood with God regardless the propaganda of hell. As believers, we should not compromise because of threat or suffering that are temporal. Those threats are meant to instill fears in the heart of a weak believer. Rather, a believer should have confidence in God.

In times like this, we, as believers should not allow the devil or anyone to instill fears in our hearts. Assuredly, God has our collective best interest at heart. Instructively, a believer should learn to bless God in troublous times and not only when things are going on well. In seasons of difficulty and suffering, the name of God should be lifted. Therefore, Christians should look away from the ugly beginning of their suffering and persecutions but the result it produces at the end.

There are believers in the scriptures who went through harrowing times, but they never gave up faith. Consider men like Paul, Silas, Daniel and Job. At the end of their trial of faith, the name of the Lord was glorified. Think of Job who stood for God even amid losses, sorrow and sickness. He never charged or questioned God foolishly, rather, he appreciated God every day.

Believers should not speak about spiritual matters, they do not have understanding of. Once you don’t have full information about an issue, keep your mouth shut. In such condition, do not murmur nor complain. Trust God at such times and remember that difficult times are the shortest cut to the kingdom of God

Obviously, Christianity without persecution will definitely breed compromise. Although, God is not the author of difficult times, He allows it to profit us and to glorify His name.

Hold on to God in difficult times and He will see you through.

• Further reading: Job 1:6-12; 42:7-9; 42: 10-17; Romans 8:35-39; Hebrews 11:32-40; Acts 5:41; 2 Corinthians 1:3-10; 11:21-33; Daniel 6 19-28; Job 1:13-22; 42:7-9; Acts 11:26; 2 Cor. 1:3. You can fellowship with us @ Kingdom Power International Christian Praying Centre, 65, Oluwatedo Estate, Isashi, Ojo, Lagos State. For details of our programmes, visit us You can also follow us live on Facebook @kpicpc & YouTube @ kpicpc.


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