St. Paul’s Nursery and Primary School old pupils give award to Paul Okoku

Oguamanam presents the award to GTCF representatives

The old pupils association of St. Paul’s Nursery and Primary school in Ebute-Metta, Lagos, has given an award to a former old pupil of the school and ex Super Eagles stalwart Paul Okoku.

At the presentation ceremony, which held during the donation of 25 modern chars and five gigantic tables, which were provided for by Okoku, through his Greater Tomorrow Children Fund, representatives of St. Paul’s Nursery and Primary School old pupils association said Okoku was given the award in recognition of his outstanding contributions to the welfare and development of the school pupils.

Handing out the award to the ambassador of the Greater Tomorrow Children Fund , Edema Fuludu, president of the Old pupils association of St. Paul’s Nursery and Primary school, Francis Oguamanam commended Okoku for his philanthropic programmes geared towards their alma mater.

Oguamanam said Okoku has demonstrated a strong and unequalled passion and drive towards the development of less privileged kids in the society as typified in his selfless contributions towards the needs of pupils of St. Paul’s nursery and primary school in Ebute-Metta.

According to him, “Paul Okoku has repeatedly shown that he truly has the interest of St. Paul’s nursery and primary school and its teeming pupils at heart. Okoku has been showering this great school of ours with items such as computers and printers, books, food hampers and drinks on the occasion of children’s day.

“And to crown it all, Okoku has stepped up his philanthropic works with the donation of these modern chairs and tables, which we are all witnessing the commissioning, which without any iota of doubt will help in raising the standard of teaching and learning in St. Paul’s nursery and primary school.

“What Paul Okoku has done is indeed something to be delighted about and we are proud that he came out of this school and has remained steadfast in contributing his quota to the development of the pupils here and the school in general,” added Oguamanam.

On receiving the award on behalf of Okoku, Fuludu said the Greater Tomorrow Children Fund will continue to spearhead welfarist programmes that will positively impact the lives of underserved people in the country

Recall that this latest award by the old pupils association of St. Paul’s nursery and primary school is one of the list of awards that have been given to Paul Okoku, since he launched the Greater Tomorrow Children Fund in 2013..

In 2015, the Rotary club of Lagos Mainland awarded Paul Okoku with the Rotary Humanitarian Merit Service award. President of the Rotary Club of Lagos Mainland, Rotarian Paul Tosin Apebo, said Okoku was bestowed with the award due to his contributions to the society.



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