Spirit of hindrance in marriage for 42 years exorcised

Worshippers coming out for altar call at the Owerri Crusade held recently by The Lord’s Chosen Charismatic Revival Ministries

The God Almighty, Who has power to do this or that intervened in the case of Sister Evelyn Ofuegbu, who has been believing God for a life partner. However, it seemed that the answer was delayed, but we must know that man’s ways are not God’s ways and God’s time is the best. People have written her off and they were mocking her in the office, home, church and even among her immediate family, but no one can mock a true child of God. At last, God remembered her and turned around her captivity. Today, her mouth is filled with laughter and she is singing praises to the Lord.

Her Testimony:
MY name is Sister Evelyn Ofuegbu, and I am from Enugu State. I became a member of The Lord’s Chosen Charismatic Revival Ministries in 2006 and to the glory of God, I have remained steadfast since then. In October,last year, when our General Overseer came to Abakaliki, Ebonyi State, for a one-day crusade, he prayed, and the second word of knowledge he mentioned, was my case.

He said:“There is a sister here, everyone has forgotten about you in the issue of marriage both in your office, yard, church and your family, but God of Chosen, who doeth what no man can do will remove that spirit from you for many years and bring that man He prepared for you and you will rejoice in Jesus name.”He further said: “Holy Ghost deliver that Sister,” and suddenly l fell under anointing and saw a giant spirit written ‘hindrance’all over its body.Itjumped out of me and waved me bye-bye forever.Our G.O did not stop there, he said:“Thank you Lord for this deliverance, Sister today is July2, tomorrow, Monday is July3, Tuesday is July4, by 1.00p.m., the man would appear.”

Then on that fateful Tuesday, l was in my school, because I am a teacher in a primary school, at about 11.45a.m. my phone rang, initially, I did not pick it because I was busy with school activities, later the same number called again and when I picked it, it was the voice of a young man that l heard at the other end. The man introduced himself; it happened that he is a brother l knew in my former church, we missed contact since l left the church and joined The Lord’s Chosen.

The man said he collected my number from his elder brother whom l met about two years ago at Abakpa-Nike in Enugu State. The man said the urge to call me became strongest three days back; brethren, that was the day G.O made that prayer. The man said he would not want to waste my time and said would l marry him? Ah, just like that! I said ok, he should give me three weeks to pray. I went into prayers and with several confirmations that it came from God, l gave my consent and today, we are married. P-r-a-i-s-e, the Lord!

The beauty about this marriage is that, God has blessed the young man, he is now a pilot with the Federal Government. I bless the name of the Lord for this great miracle. He gave me a wonderful husband after the age of 42. I am older than the man, truly God of Chosen is so great, He has removed the reproach and fought the battle for me. May His name be glorified in Jesus’ name… Amen!

I pray for our G.O. that God will protect him and back him up in all he is doing to fulfill his vision and mandate and at the end, take all of us to heaven in Jesus’ name…amen!


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