Sonergy launches blockchain data integrity protocol, initial liquidity offering

Sonergy has announced the launch of a blockchain data integrity protocol and its ecosystem fuel token sales.

Faith Titus, The Chief Executive Officer of Sonergy, a blockchain-based market intelligence solution that combines job creation with decentralised research, said that the mission of Sonergy is to solve the problem of low quality data being fed to businesses by market research companies who survey people with low skills and with no incentives to supply accurate responses.

Chief Executive Officer of Sonergy, Faith Titus.

In today’s big data business ecosystem, many SMEs and entrepreneurs struggle to get the quality data insights they need to stay competitive. Cutting edge technologies are necessary and, with Sonergy, one is available publicly that is designed to benefit all sides of the market research continuum.

Titus said the platform will use blockchain technology to drive the solution by adding transparency, immutability, consistency, cost effectiveness, and incentivization to the market research processes. And that, companies, small businesses, and solopreneurs who need certain information to drive their decision-making process can use the Sonergy web application.

According to her, by integrating blockchain technology smartcontract, the platform provides verified data collection through distributed network of people and not bots on a decentralized manner, adding that businesses, institutions, and anyone in need of certain information from people in their respective target market areas can initiate surveys to access their business or products performance and traction.

“More so, the platform facilitates jobs opportunities for the unbanked and umemployed, by connecting them to data consumers and businesses in need of high quality blockchain-verified data that incentivizes them on providing trustless data using the Sonergy system layers that provides a new methodology for people to mine and analyze the right data to inform actionable insights,” she said.

The Chartered Surveyor, trained blockchain expert, cryptocurrency trader and educationist, said Sonergy is the first known company to be actively disrupting the market research industry with blockchain technology, adding that her mission is to revolutionise the data ecosystem and create jobs for the low active earners and intellectuals using a distributed ledger network and Ethereum-based smart contract.

She argued that the she recognises that data today is, the new frontier to any economy advancement and is the most valuable commodity to businesses globally, hence has created Sonergy data integrity protocol to connect businesses to markets and researchers for the purpose of gathering useful and factual insights to inform business strategies.

In doing so, she stated that the team raised the bar for not only data integrity, but also data interoperability, adding that a public blockchain data sharing is accomplished easily, quickly, and cost effectively; and rewarding people for sharing valuable and reliable data.

According to her, through Sonergy, companies or individuals will incentivize data providers for completing surveys and conducting research and providing
quality data using the platform’s native token, Sonergy (SNEGY) which can be swapped to Naira, ETH or Bitcoin on a crypto currency exchange, adding that the token is also stackable, that is, profits yielding and anyone holding the token in their wallet within a given period of time, have got the opportunity of earning upto 45 per cent APY in $SNEGY or in a given blockchain project token whose Market Capitalization is over $30m, in future collaborations with Sonergy. This platform is TBA in the coming weeks.

She stated that the hardcap for the token Sonergy sale is approximately 650 ETHEREUM and currently ongoing and will end 1:30pm, January 29, 2021.

To participate in the Sonergy presale, prospects are to send or swap Min. Per wallet 0.05ETH to Max.10ETH through

Sonergy is a product of W.A. Global Ventures Limited founded by Faith Titus, whose general mission is to educate, and revolutionise the data ecosystem and create jobs for low active income earners using cryptocurrency and blockchain technology.


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