Shaibu storms PDP headquarters, demands certificate of return 

Edo PDP candidate promises to surpass Obaseki’s achievements
The Edo State Deputy Governor, Philip Shaibu, has stormed the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP’s) national headquarters in Abuja, demanding the certificate of return for the governorship election.

Shaibu was declared the winner of a parallel PDP governorship primary, while Asue Ighodalo won the main primary election.

Although the party had presented a certificate of return to Ighodalo, the Deputy Governor was at the party’s secretariat, yesterday, to ask for the certificate of return. He insisted that he won the primary election and should be formally recognised as such.

He said: “Today is the day set aside for the collection of certificates of return for the winner of the primary. I understand someone came yesterday and was given. Well, the court will decide…”

Before his most recent action, Shaibu had maintained that he is the authentic flag bearer of the party.

“I was elected by the authentic delegates; what is key is who are those that elected the governor’s preferred candidate, and who are those that elected Shaibu? I think in the coming days, we will know who among them are authentic,” he said on Channels Television’s breakfast show, Sunrise Daily, on Friday.

HOWEVER, PDP candidate for the Edo governorship election, Ighodalo, has promised to surpass Governor Godwin Obaseki’s achievements if given the mandate in the forthcoming September 21 governorship election in the state.

Ighodalo said this when he addressed party supporters at the Benin Airport, yesterday, on his arrival from Abuja.

The News Agency of Nigeria (NAN) reports that Ighodalo, on February 22, emerged as the PDP candidate, and was given a certificate of return by the national leadership of the party on Tuesday.

He thanked the people who came out in their large numbers to welcome him, promising never to disappoint them.

He reiterated his resolve to do more for the people. He said: “Having received the PDP certificate of return certificate, now is the time for real work.

“I want to thank you all for this show of love and support, because if not for you people, we would not be where we are now.

“This is the time for the real work to commence, and by the grace of God, we are going to work hard to achieve our target.

“We are going to continue from where Governor Obaseki will stop in terms of development, and even do more for Edo people.”


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