Sexual abuse: Forensic expert narrates how Lagos doctor allegedly engaged minor in sex

A child forensic specialist, Mrs. Olabisi Anike Ajayi-Kayode of Cece Yara Foundation, yesterday, told a Lagos State Special and Sexual Offences Court, Ikeja, that Dr. Olufemi Olaleye serially a survivor in sexual activities.
The forensic specialist testified before Justice Rahmon Oshodi in an ongoing trial of the medical doctor of Optimal Cancer Care Foundation, who is standing trial on a two-count charge of defilement and sexual assault by penetration against his wife’s niece.
Led in evidence by Dr. Babajide Martins, a prosecutor from Lagos State Directorate of Public Prosecution (DPP), Ajayi-Kayode, who is the third prosecution witness in the case, told the court how she interviewed the survivor.
She said she conducted an interview on the 15-year-old survivor (name withheld), who claimed that the embattled medical doctor lured her into several sexual activities.

The child advocate, who is also a lawyer, told the court that the survivor told her that the defendant engaged her (survivor) in sexual activities for a long period and not just one time and he used threat and coercion.
“He used his disposition as her aunt’s husband to gain access to the child for sexual activity. And the threat and coercion was to maintain control over the child. He took advantage of the girl’s naivety by telling her that virginity is no longer in vogue,” she said.
The witness further said that aside from her, the other seven-member team asked the survivor various questions, to elicit information from her.
Ajayi-Kayode also narrated to the court how she supported actors in the administration of justice sector and facilitated investigation on sexual abuses, documented and reported her findings.
The forensic expert said the survivor also narrated to her that she began to be sexually abused when the defendant started by touching her and running his fingers in her private part.
After, her examination-in-chief, the prosecution counsel asked the court to admit the witness’ findings and certificate of compliance.
Also during her cross-examination by the lead defendant counsel, Mr. Babatunde Ogala (SAN), the witness told the court that she also spoke with a psychologist and the police.
When asked if she saw the medical report before speaking with the victim, she said: “I didn’t see any medical report, but the DPP told me about a medical report. I was not informed of the date of the incident by the victim, but that she painted a scenario.”
She was further asked if she took time to interact with the Gender Desk and Medical Doctor, the witness replied that she called the police to ascertain what was going on.
After listening to the testimony of the witness, Justice Oshodi adjourned to today (January 4, 2023) for continuation of trial.


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