Scores wounded in Osun communities clash

WHAT began as a simple disagreement between indigenes of Ipetumodu, headquarters of Ife North Local Council of Osun State and another neighbouring community, Asipa, last week snowballed into a serious violent clash leaving an unspecified number of persons wounded.

  There were conflicting reports attributed to the cause of the communal clash but The Guardian learnt that the hostility between the communities broke out over the location of a new market on a disputed parcel of land    between the two towns.

  When The Guardian visited the troubled areas, it was observed that several shops and houses were torched, including a hostel belonging to the Apetu of Ipetumodu, Oba James Adegoke.

 However, despite reports that an unspecified number of people were shot and attacked with machetes during the clash which reportedly began on Wednesday, none of the two communities have recorded any casualty as at the time of filing this report.

  Signs of the communal fight was evident all over the place in the two towns as broken bottles and bonfire made by the fighters were seen all over while sporadic gun-shots were also heard from a distance. Youths were also seen carrying weapons and charms.

  Schools in the communities were reportedly closed down while residents in the two towns fled to Moro, another community to seek refuge. Nearly all the streets were deserted and shops locked as people who braced the odds stayed indoors.

  Anti-riot policemen from MOPOL 39 led by their Commander, Mr. Abang and regular policemen from the community drafted to the troubles spots had, however, restored peace to the area.

 An Armoured Personnel Carriers (APC} was seen moving round the streets while another one was stationed in front of the palace of Apetu of Ipetumodu.

  A motorcyclist caught up in the communal clash said he narrowly escaped being killed by irate youths, who wielded dangerous weapons and charms.

  When contacted, the Public Relations Officer (PRO) of the Nigeria Security and Civil Defence Corps (NSCDC) in the state, Mr. Ayo Olowe confirmed the development.

