Scallion Bread. Photo: Lisa for Healthy Nibbles

It is a New Year and it is only right that we try out new recipes. This year, while we have Nigerian delicacies to enjoy, combining them with delicacies from other countries will make this year puuurfect. Having plain bread is boring and tiring and below is the recipe for a pleasant looking and delicious bread.


• All-purpose flour
• 1 tbsp Baking powder
• 1 tbsp Yeast
• 1 tbsp Sugar
• ½ tbsp Butter
• 1 pinch Salt
• Sesame seeds
• 2/3 cup Warm water

• Chopped scallion
• 1 tbsp Salt
• 3 tbsp Oil
• 2 tbsp Flour

1. In a bowl, mix the yeast, sugar and warm water and whisk. Allow to sit for 10 minutes until the yeast is foamy.
2. In another bowl. Pour flour, baking powder, salt and add the yeast mix and butter and knead until combined then cover and allow to sit until it rises in double size.
3. Place chopped scallion, flour and salt in a bowl, hot oil, stir and set aside.
4. When the dough has risen, punch it down, transfer it to a clean surface, and divide it into 4 equal portions. Roll each into a 10-inch circle and place it on a baking sheet.
5. Preheat the oven at 3750F and lightly grease a baking pan.
6. Spread the scallion mixture on the circle, top it up with another circle, repeat the same process, and end it with the last layer of dough. Cut through the dough into 14 equal edges, lift two wedges next to each other and twist gently.
7. Brush with melted butter, sprinkle sesame seeds in the middle and bake for 30 minutes.


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